Ian Jauslin

A criterion for crystallization in hard-core lattice particle systems

GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Novemeber 15, 2024

As is well known, many materials freeze at low temperatures. Microscopically, this means that their molecules form a phase where there is long range order in their positions. Despite their ubiquity, proving that these freezing transitions occur in realistic microscopic models has been a significant challenge, and it remains an open problem in continuum models at positive temperatures. In this talk, I will focus on lattice particle models, in which the positions of particles are discrete, and discuss a general criterion under which crystallization can be proved to occur. The class of models that the criterion applies to are those in which there is no sliding, that is, particles are largely locked in place when the density is large. The tool used in the proof is Pirogov-Sinai theory and cluster expansions. I will present the criterion in its general formulation, and discuss some concrete examples. This is joint work with Qidong He and Joel L. Lebowitz.



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