Ian Jauslin

Welcome to Ian Jauslin's website

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of Rutgers University.

My research interests lie in the field of mathematical physics, more specifically in statistical mechanics, both classical and quantum, and in one- and many-body quantum mechanics.

On this website, you might find my papers, along with their source code, as well as the slides and videos of some of my talks and some software I have written over the years.

What's new(ish)?

2024-07-04:Human Rights Talk: at the XXI International Congress on Mathematical physics in Strasbourg: [HR-ICMP21]
2024-06-20:New talk: at the university of Roma Tre, on crystallization in hard core lattice models: [RomaTre24]
2024-06-04:New talk: at SPQT2024 in Sardinia, on the simplified approach to the Bose gas: [SPQT24]
