- Nstrophy (under development):
Compute solutions to the 2D Navier-Stokes equation and Gallavotti's reversible NS equation.
- Jam (under development):
Visualize and manipulate hard-core particle configurations in two dimensions, in the continuum or on lattices.
LEAN tools:
LaTeX packages:
- BBlog:
A highly customizable bibliography manager for LaTeX.
- simplesolv:
Solve the equations of the Simplified approach to the Bose gas.
- hhtop:
Compute interaction-induced renormalizations in the Haldane-Hubbard model.
- libinum:
A library that implements several numerical algorithms.
- meankondo:
Compute and manipulate flow equations for Fermionic hierarchical models.
- pdfPresentation: (No longer maintained)
Display presentations written in the PDF format, in which the next slide can be previewed on a monitor.