Ian Jauslin
diff options
authorIan Jauslin <jauslin@ias.edu>2019-02-22 19:17:42 +0000
committerIan Jauslin <jauslin@ias.edu>2019-02-22 19:17:42 +0000
commit5b0228fea81340f29be020feeed1e806ec30ca60 (patch)
tree639751ec5114b7d851ffff6ff8b437ea9220a2c6 /figs/contour.fig/contour.py
As presented at Georgia Tech on 2019-02-22HEADv1.0master
Diffstat (limited to 'figs/contour.fig/contour.py')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/figs/contour.fig/contour.py b/figs/contour.fig/contour.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..102df86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figs/contour.fig/contour.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import cmath
+import math
+import scipy.special as sp
+from scipy import optimize as op
+import random
+import sys
+# number of roots
+# size of plot
+# rescale plot (so roots are not too close together)
+# numerical values
+hbar=6.58e-16 # eV.s
+m=9.11e-31 # kg
+Vn=9 # eV
+En=20e9 # V/m
+# sqrt with branch cut along iR_+
+def sqrt_p(x):
+ r,p=cmath.polar(x)
+ if(p<cmath.pi/2):
+ return(cmath.rect(math.sqrt(r),p/2))
+ else:
+ return(cmath.rect(math.sqrt(r),(p-2*math.pi)/2))
+# solution of (-\Delta+V-ip)phi=0
+def phi(p,x,E,V):
+ return(sp.airy(cmath.exp(-1j*math.pi/3)*(E**(1/3)*x-E**(-2/3)*(V-1j*p)))[0])
+# its derivative
+def dphi(p,x,E,V):
+ return(cmath.exp(-1j*math.pi/3)*E**(1/3)*sp.airy(cmath.exp(-1j*math.pi/3)*(E**(1/3)*x-E**(-2/3)*(V-1j*p)))[1])
+# the function whose roots are to be computed and its derivative
+def f(p):
+ return(sqrt_p(-1j*p)*phi(p,0,E,V)-dphi(p,0,E,V))
+def df(p):
+ return(-1j/(2*sqrt_p(-1j*p))*phi(p,0,E,V)+sqrt_p(-1j*p)*dp_phi(p,0,E,V)-dp_dphi(p,0,E,V))
+# derivatives of phi with respect to p
+def dp_phi(p,x,E,V):
+ return(1j*cmath.exp(-1j*math.pi/3)*E**(-2/3)*sp.airy(cmath.exp(-1j*math.pi/3)*(E**(1/3)*x-E**(-2/3)*(V-1j*p)))[1])
+def dp_dphi(p,x,E,V):
+ return(-1j*(x-(V-1j*p)/E)*phi(p,x,E,V))
+# check whether the root was already found
+def check(root,roots):
+ # reject if the root doesn't fit on the plot
+ if(plotsize_scale_x*root.real<-plotsize_x or abs(plotsize_scale_y*root.imag)>plotsize_y):
+ return(False)
+ for x in roots:
+ if(abs(root-x)<1e-12):
+ return(False)
+ return(True)
+# find roots
+while len(roots)<nr_roots:
+ try:
+ root=op.newton(f, -random.random()*plotsize_x/plotsize_scale_x+(2*random.random()-1)*plotsize_y/plotsize_scale_y*1j, fprime=df)
+ if(check(root,roots)):
+ roots.append(root)
+ print("found "+str(len(roots))+" roots of "+str(nr_roots), file=sys.stderr)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ root=0
+ except:
+ break
+# print result
+for root in roots:
+ print("\\pole{(% .3f,% .3f)}" % (plotsize_scale_x*root.real,plotsize_scale_y*root.imag))