Ian Jauslin
diff options
12 files changed, 868 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Jauslin_SMM118_2017.tex b/Jauslin_SMM118_2017.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f383ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jauslin_SMM118_2017.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+\hfil Nematic liquid crystal phase\par
+\hfil in a system of interacting dimers\par
+\hfil Ian Jauslin
+\hfil\rm joint with {\bf Elliott H. Lieb}\par
+arXiv: {\tt \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/1709.05297}{1709.05297}}
+\hfill{\tt \href{http://ian.jauslin.org}{http://ian.jauslin.org}}
+\title{Liquid crystals}
+ \item Orientational order and positional disorder.
+ \item (Disertori, Giuliani, Jauslin): hard plates in $\mathbb R^3$.
+ \item \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00220-013-1767-1}{[Disertori, Giuliani, 2013]}: hard rods in $\mathbb Z^2$.
+ \item \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10955-005-8085-8}{[Ioffe, Velenik, Zahradn\'\i k, 2006]}: hard rods in $\mathbb Z^2$ (variable length).
+ \item \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00535264}{[Bricmont, Kuroda, Lebowitz, 1984]}: hard needles in $\mathbb R^2$.
+ %\item \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10955-015-1421-8}{[Alberici, 2016]}: different fugacities for horizontal and vertical dimers.
+ %\item \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.89.035128}{[Papanikolaou, Charrier, Fradkin, 2014]}: numerics.
+ \item \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01009518}{[Heilmann, Lieb, 1979]}: interacting dimers.
+\title{Heilmann-Lieb model}
+\hfil\href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01009518}{[Heilmann, Lieb, 1979]}
+\title{Heilmann-Lieb model}
+\hfil\href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01009518}{[Heilmann, Lieb, 1979]}
+\title{Heilmann-Lieb model}
+\hfil\href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01009518}{[Heilmann, Lieb, 1979]}
+\title{Heilmann-Lieb model}
+ \item Grand-canonical Gibbs measure:
+ $$
+ \left<A\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ :=
+ \lim_{\Lambda\to\mathbb Z^2}
+ \frac1{\Xi_{\Lambda,\mathrm v}(z)}
+ \sum_{\underline\delta\in\Omega_{\mathrm v}(\Lambda)}A(\underline\delta)z^{|\underline\delta|}\prod_{\delta\neq \delta'\in \underline\delta}e^{\frac12J\mathds 1_{\delta\sim\delta'}}
+ $$
+ \vskip-15pt
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item $\Lambda$: finite box.
+ \item $\Omega_{\mathrm v}(\Lambda)$: non-overlapping dimer configurations satisfying the boundary condition.
+ \item $z\geqslant 0$: fugacity.
+ \item $J\geqslant 0$: interaction strength.
+ \item $\mathds 1_{\delta\sim\delta'}$ indicator that dimers are adjacent and aligned.
+ \end{itemize}
+For $1\ll z\ll J$, $\|(x,y)\|_{\mathrm{HL}}:=J|x|+e^{-\frac32J}z^{-\frac12}|y|$,
+ \item Given two vertical edges $e_{\mathrm v},f_{\mathrm v}$, $\left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}$ is {\it independent} of $e_{\mathrm v}$ and
+ $$
+ \begin{array}{c}
+ \left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}=\frac12(1+O(e^{-\frac12J}z^{-\frac12}))
+ \\[0.3cm]
+ \left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm v}}\mathds 1_{f_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ -\left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ \left<\mathds 1_{f_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ =O(e^{-c\ \mathrm{dist}_{\mathrm{HL}}(e_{\mathrm v},f_{\mathrm v})})
+ \end{array}
+ $$
+ \vskip-5pt
+ \item Given two horizontal edges $e_{\mathrm h},f_{\mathrm h}$, $\left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm h}}\right>_{\mathrm v}$ is {\it independent} of $e_{\mathrm h}$ and
+ $$
+ \begin{array}{c}
+ \left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm h}}\right>_{\mathrm v}=O(e^{-3J})
+ \\[0.3cm]
+ \left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm h}}\mathds 1_{f_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ -\left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm h}}\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ \left<\mathds 1_{f_{\mathrm h}}\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ =O(e^{-3J-c\ \mathrm{dist}_{\mathrm{HL}}(e_{\mathrm v},f_{\mathrm v})})
+ \end{array}
+ $$
+\title{1D system}
+ \item \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01009518}{[Heilmann, Lieb, 1979]}: mostly vertical dimers.
+ \item {\it Only} vertical dimers: integrable.
+ \item Given two vertical edges $e_{\mathrm v},f_{\mathrm v}$, $\left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}$ is {\it independent} of $e_{\mathrm v}$ and
+ $$
+ \begin{array}{c}
+ \left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}=\frac12(1+O(e^{-\frac12J}z^{-\frac12}))
+ \\[0.3cm]
+ \left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm v}}\mathds 1_{f_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ -\left<\mathds 1_{e_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ \left<\mathds 1_{f_{\mathrm v}}\right>_{\mathrm v}
+ =O(e^{-c\ \mathrm{dist}_{\mathrm{1D}}(e_{\mathrm v},f_{\mathrm v})})
+ \end{array}
+ $$
+ with $\|(x,y)\|_{\mathrm{1D}}:=e^{-\frac32J}z^{-\frac12}|y|$.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3446836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+PROJECTNAME=$(basename $(wildcard *.tex))
+LIBS=$(notdir $(wildcard libs/*))
+FIGS=$(notdir $(wildcard figs/*.fig))
+PDFS=$(addsuffix .pdf, $(PROJECTNAME))
+SYNCTEXS=$(addsuffix .synctex.gz, $(PROJECTNAME))
+ pdflatex -file-line-error $@.tex
+ pdflatex -synctex=1 $@.tex
+ pdflatex -synctex=1 $(patsubst %.synctex.gz, %.tex, $@)
+ ln -fs libs/$@ ./
+figs: $(FIGS)
+ make -C figs/$@
+ for pdf in $$(find figs/$@/ -name '*.pdf'); do ln -fs "$$pdf" ./ ; done
+ for png in $$(find figs/$@/ -name '*.png'); do ln -fs "$$png" ./ ; done
+clean-aux: clean-figs-aux
+ rm -f $(addsuffix .aux, $(PROJECTNAME))
+ rm -f $(addsuffix .log, $(PROJECTNAME))
+ rm -f $(addsuffix .out, $(PROJECTNAME))
+ rm -f $(LIBS)
+ $(foreach fig,$(addprefix figs/, $(FIGS)), make -C $(fig) clean; )
+ rm -f $(notdir $(wildcard figs/*.fig/*.pdf))
+ rm -f $(notdir $(wildcard figs/*.fig/*.png))
+ $(foreach fig,$(addprefix figs/, $(FIGS)), make -C $(fig) clean-aux; )
+ rm -f $(PDFS) $(SYNCTEXS)
+clean: clean-aux clean-tex clean-libs clean-figs
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7e908b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+This directory contains the source files to typeset the presentation, and
+generate the figures. This can be accomplished by running
+ make
+This document uses a custom class file, located in the 'libs' directory, which
+defines a number of commands.
+* Dependencies:
+ pdflatex
+ TeXlive packages:
+ amsfonts
+ graphics
+ hyperref
+ latex
+ pgf
+ standalone
+ GNU make
+* Files:
+ Jauslin_SMM118_2017.tex:
+ main LaTeX file
+ libs:
+ custom LaTeX class file
+ figs:
+ source code for the figures
+ figs/dimer_example.fig/dimer_conf.py:
+ this python script randomly generates a suitable dimer configuration for
+ the figures grid.pdf, dimers.pdf and interaction.pdf, boundary.pdf and
+ dimer_contour.pdf
+ figs/atoms.fig/nematic.py:
+ this python script randomly generates configurations of non-overlapping
+ ellipsoids for the figure nematic.png.
diff --git a/figs/atoms.fig/Makefile b/figs/atoms.fig/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e8462f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figs/atoms.fig/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+PNGS=$(addsuffix .png, $(PROJECTNAME))
+all: $(PNGS)
+ cp $(patsubst %.png, %, $@)-base.gp $(patsubst %.png, %, $@).gp
+ python $(patsubst %.png, %, $@).py >> $(patsubst %.png, %, $@).gp
+ gnuplot $(patsubst %.png, %, $@).gp > $@
+ rm -f $(addsuffix .gp, $(PROJECTNAME))
+clean: clean-aux
+ rm -f $(PNGS)
diff --git a/figs/atoms.fig/nematic-base.gp b/figs/atoms.fig/nematic-base.gp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ffc4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figs/atoms.fig/nematic-base.gp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+set terminal pngcairo size 2048,2048
+set key off
+unset colorbox
+unset border
+unset xtics
+unset ytics
+unset ztics
+set parametric
+set view equal xyz
+set isosample 100
+set pm3d depthorder
+set pm3d lighting primary 0.50 specular 0.6
+set palette defined (0 "#339999")
+splot \
diff --git a/figs/atoms.fig/nematic.py b/figs/atoms.fig/nematic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c779c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figs/atoms.fig/nematic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from math import *
+import random
+# size of space
+# number of rods
+# aspect ratio
+# spread in theta angle
+# check whether two rods overlap
+def check_overlap(rod1,rod2):
+ # relative placement
+ relative_pos=unrotate(subtract(rod2[0],rod1[0]), rod1[1])
+ if(abs(relative_pos[0])<2 and abs(relative_pos[1])<2 and abs(relative_pos[2])<2):
+ return(True)
+ # relative angle
+ relative_ang=cart_to_spherical(unrotate(spherical_to_cart(rod2[1]), rod1[1]))
+ # exclusion volume
+ # rotate other rod
+ relative_pos=unrotate(relative_pos, [0,relative_ang[1]])
+ #if(abs(relative_pos[1])<2 and abs(relative_pos[0])-2<abs(sin(relative_ang[0]))*a and abs(relative_pos[2])-a-2<abs(cos(relative_ang[0])*a)):
+ if(abs(relative_pos[1])<2 and abs(relative_pos[0])-2<abs(sin(relative_ang[0]))*a and abs(sin(relative_ang[0])*relative_pos[2]-cos(relative_ang[0])*relative_pos[0])-2<abs(sin(relative_ang[0])*a)):
+ return(True)
+ return(False)
+# def subtract vectors
+def subtract(x,y):
+ return([x[0]-y[0],x[1]-y[1],x[2]-y[2]])
+# rotate vector
+def unrotate(x,w):
+ ret=[x[0],x[1],x[2]]
+ # rotate phi
+ tmp=cos(w[1])*ret[0]+sin(w[1])*ret[1]
+ ret[1]=-sin(w[1])*ret[0]+cos(w[1])*ret[1]
+ ret[0]=tmp
+ # rotate theta
+ tmp=cos(w[0])*ret[0]-sin(w[0])*ret[2]
+ ret[2]=sin(w[0])*ret[0]+cos(w[0])*ret[2]
+ ret[0]=tmp
+ return(ret)
+# convert coordinates
+def spherical_to_cart(w):
+ return([cos(w[1])*sin(w[0]),sin(w[1])*sin(w[0]),cos(w[0])])
+def cart_to_spherical(x):
+ w=[0,0]
+ w[0]=acos(x[2])
+ if(sin(w[0]==0)):
+ return([w[0],0])
+ c=x[0]/sin(w[0])
+ s=x[1]/sin(w[0])
+ # to avoid truncation errors
+ if(abs(c)>1 and abs(c)<1.0001):
+ if(c>0):
+ return([w[0],0])
+ else:
+ return([w[0],pi])
+ if(s>=0):
+ return([w[0],acos(c)])
+ return([w[0],2*pi-acos(c)])
+# configuration
+# add rods
+while len(config)<N:
+ # random position and angles
+ x=[random.uniform(0,L), random.uniform(0,L), random.uniform(0,L)]
+ w=[abs(random.gauss(0,spread)), random.uniform(0,2*pi)]
+ # chek it does not interfere with other rods
+ fine=True
+ for rod in config:
+ if(check_overlap(rod,[x,w])):
+ fine=False
+ break
+ if fine:
+ config.append([x,w])
+for i in range(len(config)):
+ rod=config[i]
+ print(str(rod[0][0])+"+("+str(cos(rod[1][1])*cos(rod[1][0]))+")*cos(u)*sin(v)+("+str(-sin(rod[1][1]))+")*sin(u)*sin(v)+("+str(cos(rod[1][1])*sin(rod[1][0])*a)+")*cos(v)", end=", ")
+ print(str(rod[0][1])+"+("+str(sin(rod[1][1])*cos(rod[1][0]))+")*cos(u)*sin(v)+("+str(cos(rod[1][1]))+")*sin(u)*sin(v)+("+str(sin(rod[1][1])*sin(rod[1][0])*a)+")*cos(v)", end=", ")
+ print(str(rod[0][2])+"+("+str(-sin(rod[1][0]))+")*cos(u)*sin(v)+("+str(cos(rod[1][0])*a)+")*cos(v)", end=" ")
+ print("with pm3d", end="")
+ if i<len(config)-1:
+ print(", \\")
diff --git a/figs/dimer_example.fig/Makefile b/figs/dimer_example.fig/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..386ecd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figs/dimer_example.fig/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+PROJECTNAME=grid dimers interaction
+LIBS=$(notdir $(wildcard libs/*))
+PDFS=$(addsuffix .pdf, $(PROJECTNAME))
+SOURCES=$(addsuffix .tikz.tex, $(PROJECTNAME))
+all: $(PDFS)
+ echo $(LIBS)
+ pdflatex -jobname $(basename $@) -file-line-error $(patsubst %.pdf, %.tikz.tex, $@)
+ python3 dimer_conf.py
+ ln -fs libs/$@ ./
+ rm -f $(LIBS)
+ rm -f $(addsuffix .aux, $(PROJECTNAME))
+ rm -f $(addsuffix .log, $(PROJECTNAME))
+ rm -f $(PDFS)
+ rm -f $(SOURCES)
+clean: clean-libs clean-aux clean-tex clean-sources
diff --git a/figs/dimer_example.fig/dimer_conf.py b/figs/dimer_example.fig/dimer_conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8838bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figs/dimer_example.fig/dimer_conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import random
+from math import *
+# size of the grid
+# boundary thickness (must be even)
+# activity and interaction
+# draw random dimers in a select area
+def fill_dimers(mask,direction):
+ if(direction=="h"):
+ d=[1,0]
+ else:
+ d=[0,1]
+ dimers=[]
+ # keep track of which sites are occupied
+ occupied=[]
+ for i in range(L):
+ occupied.append([])
+ for j in range(L):
+ occupied[i].append(0)
+ for i in range(10000):
+ # pick a random edge (indexed by its lower-left corner)
+ e=None
+ while(e==None or e[0]+d[0]>=L or e[1]+d[1]>=L or mask[e[0]][e[1]]==0 or mask[e[0]+d[0]][e[1]+d[1]]==0):
+ e=[random.randint(0,L-1),random.randint(0,L-1)]
+ # check whether a dimer can be added to the edge
+ if(occupied[e[0]][e[1]]==0 and occupied[e[0]+d[0]][e[1]+d[1]]==0):
+ # number of interactions
+ interactions=0
+ if(e[0]+2*d[0]<L and e[1]+2*d[1]<L and occupied[e[0]+2*d[0]][e[1]+2*d[1]]==1):
+ interactions=interactions+1
+ if(e[0]-d[0]>=0 and e[1]-d[1]>=0 and occupied[e[0]-d[0]][e[1]-d[1]]==1):
+ interactions=interactions+1
+ # probability of adding the dimer
+ p=1/(1+1/z*exp(-J*interactions))
+ if(p>random.random()):
+ # add dimer
+ dimers.append(e)
+ occupied[e[0]][e[1]]=1
+ occupied[e[0]+d[0]][e[1]+d[1]]=1
+ return(dimers)
+# find interactions
+def interactions(dimers,direction):
+ if(direction=="h"):
+ d=[1,0]
+ else:
+ d=[0,1]
+ out=[]
+ for d1 in dimers:
+ for d2 in dimers:
+ if(d1[0]-d2[0]==2*d[0] and d1[1]-d2[1]==2*d[1]):
+ out.append([d2[0]+d[0],d2[1]+d[1]])
+ return(out)
+# draw dimers
+def draw_dimers(v_dimers,h_dimers,file_desc,color):
+ for d in v_dimers:
+ print("\\dimer{[color="+color+"]("+str(d[0])+","+str(d[1])+")}v", file=file_desc)
+ print("", file=file_desc)
+ for d in h_dimers:
+ print("\\dimer{[color="+color+"]("+str(d[0])+","+str(d[1])+")}h", file=file_desc)
+ print("", file=file_desc)
+# draw interactions
+def draw_interactions(v_interactions,h_interactions,file_desc):
+ for d in v_interactions:
+ print("\\interaction{("+str(d[0])+","+str(d[1])+")}v", file=file_desc)
+ print("", file=file_desc)
+ for d in h_interactions:
+ print("\\interaction{("+str(d[0])+","+str(d[1])+")}h", file=file_desc)
+ print("", file=file_desc)
+# draw loops
+def draw_loops(loops,file_desc,color):
+ for loop in loops:
+ print("\\draw[color="+color+", line width=3pt]",end="",file=file_desc)
+ for e in loop:
+ print("("+str(e[0])+","+str(e[1])+")--",end="",file=file_desc)
+ print("cycle;",file=file_desc)
+# init tikz file
+def init_tikz(filename):
+ file_desc=open(filename,"w")
+ print("\\documentclass{standalone}\n\n\\usepackage{tikz}\n\\usepackage{dimer}\n\\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing}\n\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{tikzpicture}\n\n", file=file_desc)
+ return(file_desc)
+# close tikz file
+def close_tikz(file_desc):
+ print("\\end{tikzpicture}\n\\end{document}", file=file_desc)
+ file_desc.close()
+# loops
+for i in range(0,2*l0):
+ loop1.append([mu-l0+i,mu+4.5])
+for i in range(0,4):
+ loop1.append([mu+l0-1+0.5,mu+4-i])
+for i in range(0,l0):
+ loop1.append([mu+l0+i,mu+0.5])
+for i in range(0,6):
+ loop1.append([mu+2*l0-1+0.5,mu-i])
+for i in range(0,4*l0):
+ loop1.append([mu+2*l0-1-i,mu-5.5])
+for i in range(0,6):
+ loop1.append([mu-2*l0-0.5,mu-5+i])
+for i in range(0,l0):
+ loop1.append([mu-2*l0+i,mu+0.5])
+for i in range(0,4):
+ loop1.append([mu-l0-0.5,mu+1+i])
+# core of loop1
+for i in range(0,2*l0-4):
+ core_loop1.append([mu-l0+2+i,mu+3.5])
+for i in range(0,3):
+ core_loop1.append([mu+l0-3+0.5,mu+3-i])
+for i in range(0,l0-2):
+ core_loop1.append([mu+l0+i,mu-1+0.5])
+for i in range(0,4):
+ core_loop1.append([mu+2*l0-3+0.5,mu-1-i])
+for i in range(0,4*l0-4):
+ core_loop1.append([mu+2*l0-3-i,mu-4.5])
+for i in range(0,4):
+ core_loop1.append([mu-2*l0+2-0.5,mu-4+i])
+for i in range(0,l0-2):
+ core_loop1.append([mu-2*l0+2+i,mu-1+0.5])
+for i in range(0,3):
+ core_loop1.append([mu-l0+2-0.5,mu+1+i])
+# masks
+# init
+for i in range(L):
+ v_mask.append([])
+ h_mask.append([])
+ for j in range(L):
+ v_mask[i].append(1)
+ h_mask[i].append(0)
+# draw masks
+for i in range(mu-l0,mu+l0):
+ for j in range(mu+1,mu+5):
+ v_mask[i][j]=0
+for i in range(mu-2*l0,mu+2*l0):
+ for j in range(mu-5,mu+1):
+ v_mask[i][j]=0
+for i in range(mu-l0+2,mu+l0-2):
+ for j in range(mu+1,mu+4):
+ h_mask[i][j]=1
+for i in range(mu-l0,mu+l0):
+ h_mask[i][mu]=1
+for i in range(mu-2*l0+2,mu+2*l0-2):
+ for j in range(mu-4,mu):
+ h_mask[i][j]=1
+# random dimers in mask
+# mantle dimers
+for i in range(0,l0):
+ h_mantle.append([mu-l0+2*i,mu+4])
+for i in range(0,4):
+ h_mantle.append([mu+l0-2,mu+4-i])
+ h_mantle.append([mu-l0,mu+4-i])
+for i in range(0,int(l0/2)):
+ h_mantle.append([mu+l0+2*i,mu])
+ h_mantle.append([mu-l0-2-2*i,mu])
+for i in range(0,5):
+ h_mantle.append([mu+2*l0-2,mu-i])
+ h_mantle.append([mu-2*l0,mu-i])
+for i in range(0,2*l0):
+ h_mantle.append([mu-2*l0+2*i,mu-5])
+# interactions
+# files
+print("\\grid{"+str(L-1)+"}{"+str(L-1)+"}{(0,0)}\n", file=grid)
+print("\\grid{"+str(L-1)+"}{"+str(L-1)+"}{(0,0)}\n", file=dimers)
+print("\\grid{"+str(L-1)+"}{"+str(L-1)+"}{(0,0)}\n", file=interaction)
diff --git a/figs/dimer_example.fig/libs/dimer.sty b/figs/dimer_example.fig/libs/dimer.sty
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..2d83c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figs/dimer_example.fig/libs/dimer.sty
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../libs/dimer.sty \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/figs/libs/Makefile b/figs/libs/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..994463b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figs/libs/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+PROJECTNAME=$(basename $(basename $(wildcard *.tikz.tex)))
+LIBS=$(notdir $(wildcard libs/*))
+PDFS=$(addsuffix .pdf, $(PROJECTNAME))
+all: $(PDFS)
+$(PDFS): $(LIBS)
+ echo $(LIBS)
+ pdflatex -jobname $(basename $@) -file-line-error $(patsubst %.pdf, %.tikz.tex, $@)
+ ln -fs libs/$@ ./
+ rm -f $(LIBS)
+ rm -f $(addsuffix .aux, $(PROJECTNAME))
+ rm -f $(addsuffix .log, $(PROJECTNAME))
+ rm -f $(PDFS)
+clean: clean-libs clean-aux clean-tex
diff --git a/figs/libs/dimer.sty b/figs/libs/dimer.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f087ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figs/libs/dimer.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% square lattice (width #1, height #2, origin #3)
+ \foreach\i in {0,...,#2}{
+ \draw#3++(0,\i)--++(#1,0);
+ }
+ \foreach\i in {0,...,#1}{
+ \draw#3++(\i,0)--++(0,#2);
+ }
+% dimer (bottom-left vertex #1, vertical or horizontal #2)
+ \if#2h
+ \draw[line width=5pt]#1--++(1,0);
+ \fill#1circle(7pt);
+ \fill#1++(1,0)circle(7pt);
+ \else
+ \draw[line width=5pt]#1--++(0,1);
+ \fill#1circle(7pt);
+ \fill#1++(0,1)circle(7pt);
+ \fi
+% interactions (bottom-left vertex #1, vertical or horizontal #2)
+ \if#2h
+ \draw[line width=5pt, color=white]#1--++(1,0);
+ \draw[line width=4pt, decorate, decoration={snake}, color=red]#1--++(1,0);
+ \else
+ \draw[line width=5pt, color=white]#1--++(0,1);
+ \draw[line width=4pt, decorate, decoration={snake}, color=red]#1--++(0,1);
+ \fi
diff --git a/libs/ian-presentation.cls b/libs/ian-presentation.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d8331b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/ian-presentation.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+%% Ian's presentation class
+%% TeX format
+%% class name
+ \pagestyle{plain}
+ \RequirePackage{color}
+ \RequirePackage{amssymb}
+%% paper dimensions
+%% fonts
+%% text dimensions
+%% remove default skips
+%% something is wrong with \thepage, redefine it
+%% correct vertical alignment at the end of a document
+ % save total slide count
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\noexpand\gdef\noexpand\slidecount{\thepage}}
+ \vfill
+ \eject
+%% footer
+ \def\@oddhead{}
+ \def\@evenhead{\@oddhead}
+ \def\@oddfoot{\tiny\hfill\thepage/\safe\slidecount\hfill}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\@oddfoot}
+ \def\@oddhead{}
+ \def\@evenhead{\@oddhead}
+ \def\@oddfoot{}
+ \def\@evenfoot{\@oddfoot}
+%% title of slide
+ \hfil{\bf\large #1}\par
+ \hfil\vrule width0.75\textwidth height0.3pt\par
+ \vskip5pt
+%% hyperlinks
+% hyperlinkcounter
+% hyperref anchor
+%% define a command and write it to aux file
+ % define command%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname #1\endcsname{#2}%
+ % hyperlink number%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname #1@hl\endcsname{\thelncount}%
+ % write command to aux%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\noexpand\expandafter\noexpand\gdef\noexpand\csname #1\endcsname{\csname #1\endcsname}}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\noexpand\expandafter\noexpand\gdef\noexpand\csname #1@hl\endcsname{\thelncount}}%
+%% can call commands even when they are not defined
+ \ifdefined#1%
+ #1%
+ \else%
+ {\color{red}\bf?}%
+ \fi%
+%% itemize
+% left margin for items
+% space between the item symbol and the text
+% penalty preceding an itemize
+% counter counting the itemize level
+% item symbol
+ \ifnum#1=1
+ \textbullet
+ \else
+ $\scriptstyle\blacktriangleright$
+ \fi
+ \par\penalty\itemizepenalty\medskip\penalty\itemizepenalty
+ \addtocounter{itemizecount}{1}
+ \addtolength\current@itemizeskip{\itemizeskip}
+ \leftskip\current@itemizeskip
+ \addtocounter{itemizecount}{-1}
+ \addtolength\current@itemizeskip{-\itemizeskip}
+ \par\leftskip\current@itemizeskip
+ \medskip
+ \settowidth\itempt@total{\itemizept\theitemizecount}
+ \addtolength\itempt@total{\itemizeseparator}
+ \par
+ \medskip
+ \hskip-\itempt@total\itemizept\theitemizecount\hskip\itemizeseparator
+%% enumerate
+ \setcounter{enumerate@count}0
+ \let\olditem\item
+ \let\olditemizept\itemizept
+ \def\item{
+ % counter
+ \stepcounter{enumerate@count}
+ % set header
+ \def\itemizept{\theenumerate@count.}
+ % hyperref anchor
+ \hrefanchor
+ % define tag (for \label)
+ \xdef\tag{\theenumerate@count}
+ \olditem
+ }
+ \itemize
+ \enditemize
+ \let\item\olditem
+ \let\itemizept\olditemizept
+%% end