Ian Jauslin
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+\hfil Non-perturbative renormalization group\par
+\hfil in a hierarchical Kondo model\par
+\hfil Ian Jauslin
+\hfil joint with {\normalsize\bf G.~Benfatto} and {\normalsize\bf G.~Gallavotti}\par
+arXiv: {\tt1506.04381}\hfill{\tt http://ian.jauslin.org/}
+\title{Kondo model}
+\item [N.~Andrei, 1980]:
+\item $H_0$: kinetic term of the {\it electrons}
+\item $V$: interaction with the {\it impurity}
+V=-\lambda_0\sum_{j=1,2,3}\sum_{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\alpha_4}c^\dagger_{\alpha_1}(0)\sigma^j_{\alpha_1,\alpha_2}c_{\alpha_2}(0)\, d^\dagger_{\alpha_3}\sigma^j_{\alpha_3,\alpha_4}d_{\alpha_4}
+\title{Kondo effect: magnetic susceptibility}
+\item Non-interacting magnetic susceptibility
+\item Isolated impurity: $\chi^{(0)}(0,\beta)\displaystyle\mathop{\longrightarrow}_{\beta\to\infty}\infty$
+\item Chain of electrons: $\displaystyle\lim_{\beta\to\infty}\lim_{L\to\infty}\frac1L\chi_e(0,\beta)<\infty.$
+\item Anti-ferromagnetic interaction: $\lambda_0<0$:
+\item {\it Non-perturbative} effect: the qualitative behavior changes as soon as $\lambda_0\neq0$.
+\title{Previous results}
+\item [J.~Kondo, 1964]: third order Born approximation.
+\vskip0pt plus3fil
+\item [P.~Anderson, 1970], [K.~Wilson, 1975]: renormalization group approach
+\itemptchange{$\scriptstyle\blacktriangleright$ }
+\item Sequence of effective Hamiltonians at varying energy scales.
+\item For anti-ferromagnetic interactions, the effective Hamiltonians go to a {\it non-trivial fixed point}.
+\item{\tt Remark}: [N.~Andrei, 1980]: the Kondo model (suitably linearized) is exactly solvable via Bethe Ansatz.
+\title{Current results}
+\item Hierarchical Kondo model: idealization of the Kondo model that shares its scaling properties.
+\item It is {\it exactly solvable}: the map relating the effective theories at different scales is {\it explicit} (no perturbative expansions).
+\item For $\lambda_0<0$, the flow tends to a non-trivial fixed point, and $\chi^{(\lambda_0)}<\infty$ in the $\beta\to\infty$ limit (Kondo effect).
+\title{Hierarchical beta function} \begin{itemize} \item Beta function ({\it exact})
+$$\begin{array}{r@{\ }l}
+C^{[m]}=&\displaystyle1+ 3(\ell_0^{[m]})^2+9(\ell_1^{[m]})^2+9(\ell_2^{[m]})^2+324(\ell_3^{[m]})^2\\[0.3cm]
+\ell_0^{[m-1]}=&\displaystyle\frac1{C^{[m]}}\Big(\ell_0^{[m]} +18\ell_0^{[m]}\ell_3^{[m]}+3 \ell_0^{[m]}\ell_2^{[m]}+3 \ell_0^{[m]}\ell_1^{[m]} -2(\ell_0^{[m]})^2\Big)\\[0.5cm]
+\ell_1^{[m-1]}=&\displaystyle\frac1{C^{[m]}}\Big( \frac12\ell_1^{[m]}+9\ell_2^{[m]}\ell_3^{[m]} +\frac14(\ell_0^{[m]})^2\Big)\\[0.5cm]
+\ell_2^{[m-1]}=&\displaystyle\frac1{C^{[m]}}\Big(2\ell_2^{[m]}+36\ell_1^{[m]}\ell_3^{[m]}+ (\ell_0^{[m]})^2\Big)\\[0.5cm]
+\ell_3^{[m-1]}=&\displaystyle\frac1{C^{[m]}}\Big(\frac12\ell_3^{[m]}+\frac14\ell_1^{[m]}\ell_2^{[m]}+\frac1{24} (\ell_0^{[m]})^2\Big).
+Fixed points: $\bm\ell^{(0)}$, $\bm\ell^{(+)}$, $\bm\ell^*$.
+\title{Kondo effect}
+\item Fix $h=0$.
+\item At $\bm\ell^{(+)}$, the susceptibility diverges as $\beta$.
+\item At $\bm\ell^*$, the susceptibility remains finite in the $\beta\to\infty$ limit.
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+* Typeset
+In order to typeset the LaTeX presentation, run
+ pdflatex Jauslin_ICMP_2015.tex
+ pdflatex Jauslin_ICMP_2015.tex
+* Files
+ Jauslin_ICMP_2015.tex
+ body of the presentation.
+ Figs :
+ figures.
+ header.sty :
+ packages and local definitions
+ presentation.sty :
+ presentation style file.
+ kiss.cls :
+ barebones class file
+* Comment on the presentation style
+This presentation is typeset using the 'presentation.sty' style file, in which
+the margins and sizes are set to make the output look like a presentation, and
+several useful commands are defined.
+The LaTeX 'beamer' package is not used.
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