Ian Jauslin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/optimization.jl')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/optimization.jl b/src/optimization.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bacead7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/optimization.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# gradient descent: find local minimum of function of one variable from initial guess
+# numerically estimate the derivative
+@everywhere function gradient_descent(
+ f::Function,
+ x0::Float64,
+ delta::Float64, # shift is delta*df
+ dx::Float64, # finite difference for numerical derivative evaluation
+ maxiter::Int64 # interrupt and fail after maxiter steps
+ counter=0
+ # init
+ x=x0
+ while counter<maxiter
+ # value at x and around
+ val=f(x)
+ valm=f(x-dx)
+ valp=f(x+dx)
+ # quit if minimum
+ if(val<valm && val<valp)
+ return(x,val)
+ end
+ # derivative
+ df=(valp-val)/dx
+ # step
+ x=x-delta*df
+ counter+=1
+ end
+ # fail
+ return(Inf,Inf)
+# Newton algorithm to compute extrema
+# numerically estimate the derivatives
+@everywhere function newton_maximum(
+ f::Function,
+ x0::Float64,
+ dx::Float64, # finite difference for numerical derivative evaluation
+ maxiter::Int64,
+ tolerance::Float64,
+ maxstep::Float64 # maximal size of step
+ counter=0
+ # init
+ x=x0
+ while counter<maxiter
+ # value at x and around
+ val=f(x)
+ valm=f(x-dx)
+ valp=f(x+dx)
+ # derivative
+ dfp=(valp-val)/dx
+ dfm=(val-valm)/dx
+ # second derivative
+ ddf=(dfp-dfm)/dx
+ #@printf(stderr,"% .15e % .15e % .15e % .15e\n",x,val,dfp,ddf)
+ if abs(dfp/ddf)<tolerance
+ # check it is a local maximum
+ if ddf<0
+ return(x,val)
+ else
+ return(Inf,Inf)
+ end
+ end
+ # step
+ step=dfp/abs(ddf)
+ # step too large
+ if abs(step)>maxstep
+ step=maxstep*sign(step)
+ end
+ x=x+step
+ # fail if off to infinity
+ if x==Inf || x==-Inf
+ return(x,val)
+ end
+ counter+=1
+ end
+ # fail
+ return(Inf,Inf)