Ground state construction of bilayer graphene
Oberwolfach Workshop 1637, Germany
September 12, 2016
We consider a model of weakly-interacting electrons in bilayer graphene. Bilayer graphene is a 2-dimensional crystal consisting of two layers of carbon atoms in a hexagonal lattice. Our main result is an expression of the free energy and two-point Schwinger function as convergent power series in the interaction strength. In this talk, I discuss the properties of the non-interacting model, and exhibit three energy regimes in which the energy bands are qualitatively different. I then sketch how this decomposition may be used to carry out the renormalization group analysis used to prove our main result.
Joint work with Alessandro Giuliani.
LaTeX source:
- tarball: 16oberwolfach-1.0.tar.gz
- git repository: 16oberwolfach-git (the git repository contains detailed information about the changes in the slides as well as the source code for all previous versions).
This presentation is based on
[GiJ15]: The ground state construction of bilayer graphene
Alessandro Giuliani, Ian Jauslin, 2015
(published in Reviews in Mathematical Physics, volume 28, issue 8, number 1650018, 2016)
pdf, source