Ian Jauslin


simplesolv is a program to compute the solution of the equations of the Simplified approach to the Bose gas, as defined in [CJL19], [CJL20], [CHJL20], [Ja23], [Ja23b].

simplesolv v0.4.1 can be used to compute, among others:

simplesolv is written in Julia, and can run on any POSIX compliant system, including GNU/Linux and OSX, provided the Julia interpreter is installed. It requires the following Julia packages:


simplesolv is made available under an Apache 2.0 license, which allows copying, sharing and modifying the source code, among other things. Details can be found at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

The source code is made available here:


The documentation for simplesolv provides basic usage examples, an exhaustive list of commands, and a detailed explanation of the numerical algorithms used:


  • v0.4
    • feature: compute the 2-point correlation function in easyeq.
    • feature: compute the Fourier transform of the 2-point correlation function in anyeq and easyeq.
    • feature: compute the local maximum of the 2-point correlation function and its Fourier transform.
    • feature: compute the compressibility for anyeq.
    • feature: allow for linear spacing of rho's.
    • feature: print the scattering length.
    • change: ux and uk now return real numbers.
    • fix: error in the computation of the momentum distribution: wrong definition of delta functions.
    • fix: various minor bugs.
    • optimization: assign explicit types to variables.
  • Past versions

    The past versions are available here:


    simplesolv is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
