Ian Jauslin
diff options
authorIan Jauslin <ian@jauslin.org>2021-10-04 11:12:34 -0400
committerIan Jauslin <ian@jauslin.org>2021-10-04 11:22:07 -0400
commite72af82c3ed16b81cdb5043c58abbdbb3cf02102 (patch)
tree2d2a4bf7a7e4be1e1d69dce37ff5ff37a83ff375 /src/main.jl
Initial commitv0.3
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main.jl')
1 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.jl b/src/main.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382fe6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+## Copyright 2021 Ian Jauslin
+## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+## You may obtain a copy of the License at
+## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+## limitations under the License.
+using Distributed
+@everywhere using FastGaussQuadrature
+@everywhere using LinearAlgebra
+@everywhere using Polynomials
+@everywhere using Printf
+@everywhere using SpecialFunctions
+function main()
+ ## defaults
+ # values of rho,e, when needed
+ rho=1e-6
+ e=1e-4
+ # incrementally initialize Newton algorithm
+ nlrho_init=1
+ # potential
+ v=k->v_exp(k,1.)
+ a0=a0_exp(1.)
+ # arguments of the potential
+ v_param_a=1.
+ v_param_b=1.
+ v_param_c=1.
+ v_param_e=1.
+ # plot range when plotting in rho
+ minlrho=-6
+ maxlrho=2
+ nlrho=100
+ rhos=Array{Float64}(undef,0)
+ # plot range when plotting in e
+ minle=-6
+ maxle=2
+ nle=100
+ es=Array{Float64}(undef,0)
+ # plot range when plotting in x
+ xmin=0
+ xmax=100
+ nx=100
+ # cutoffs
+ tolerance=1e-11
+ order=100
+ maxiter=21
+ # for anyeq
+ # P
+ P=11
+ # N
+ N=12
+ # number of splines
+ J=10
+ # starting rho from which to incrementally initialize Newton algorithm
+ # default must be set after reading rho, if not set explicitly
+ minlrho_init=nothing
+ # Hann window for Fourier transforms
+ windowL=1e3
+ # approximation for easyeq
+ # bK,bL
+ easyeq_simpleq_approx=Easyeq_approx(0.,0.)
+ easyeq_medeq_approx=Easyeq_approx(1.,1.)
+ easyeq_approx=easyeq_simpleq_approx
+ # approximation for anyeq
+ # aK,bK,gK,aL1,bL1,aL2,bL2,gL2,aL3,bL3,gl3
+ anyeq_simpleq_approx=Anyeq_approx(0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.)
+ anyeq_bigeq_approx=Anyeq_approx(1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,0.,0.,0.)
+ anyeq_fulleq_approx=Anyeq_approx(1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,0.,1.)
+ anyeq_medeq_approx=Anyeq_approx(0.,1.,1.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.)
+ anyeq_compleq_approx=Anyeq_approx(1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.)
+ anyeq_approx=anyeq_bigeq_approx
+ # read cli arguments
+ (params,potential,method,savefile,command)=read_args(ARGS)
+ # read params
+ if params!=""
+ for param in split(params,";")
+ terms=split(param,"=")
+ if length(terms)!=2
+ print(stderr,"error: could not read parameter '",param,"'.\n")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ lhs=terms[1]
+ rhs=terms[2]
+ if lhs=="rho"
+ rho=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="minlrho_init"
+ minlrho_init=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="nlrho_init"
+ nlrho_init=parse(Int64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="e"
+ e=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="tolerance"
+ tolerance=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="order"
+ order=parse(Int64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="maxiter"
+ maxiter=parse(Int64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="rhos"
+ rhos=parse_list(rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="minlrho"
+ minlrho=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="maxlrho"
+ maxlrho=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="nlrho"
+ nlrho=parse(Int64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="es"
+ es=parse_list(rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="minle"
+ minle=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="maxle"
+ maxle=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="nle"
+ nle=parse(Int64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="xmin"
+ xmin=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="xmax"
+ xmax=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="nx"
+ nx=parse(Int64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="P"
+ P=parse(Int64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="N"
+ N=parse(Int64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="J"
+ J=parse(Int64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="window_L"
+ windowL=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="aK"
+ anyeq_approx.aK=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="bK"
+ anyeq_approx.bK=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ easyeq_approx.bK=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="gK"
+ anyeq_approx.gK=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="aL1"
+ anyeq_approx.aL1=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="bL"
+ easyeq_approx.bL=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="bL1"
+ anyeq_approx.bL1=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="aL2"
+ anyeq_approx.aL2=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="bL2"
+ anyeq_approx.bL2=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="gL2"
+ anyeq_approx.gL2=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="aL3"
+ anyeq_approx.aL3=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="bL3"
+ anyeq_approx.bL3=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="gL3"
+ anyeq_approx.gL3=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="v_a"
+ v_param_a=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="v_b"
+ v_param_b=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="v_c"
+ v_param_c=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="v_e"
+ v_param_e=parse(Float64,rhs)
+ elseif lhs=="eq"
+ if rhs=="simpleq"
+ easyeq_approx=easyeq_simpleq_approx
+ anyeq_approx=anyeq_simpleq_approx
+ elseif rhs=="medeq"
+ easyeq_approx=easyeq_medeq_approx
+ anyeq_approx=anyeq_medeq_approx
+ elseif rhs=="bigeq"
+ anyeq_approx=anyeq_bigeq_approx
+ elseif rhs=="fulleq"
+ anyeq_approx=anyeq_fulleq_approx
+ elseif rhs=="compleq"
+ anyeq_approx=anyeq_compleq_approx
+ else
+ print(stderr,"error: unrecognized equation: ",rhs,"\n")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ else
+ print(stderr,"unrecognized parameter '",lhs,"'.\n")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ## read potential
+ if potential=="exp"
+ v=k->v_exp(k,v_param_a)
+ a0=a0_exp(v_param_a)
+ elseif potential=="expcry"
+ v=k->v_expcry(k,v_param_a,v_param_b)
+ a0=a0_expcry(v_param_a,v_param_b)
+ elseif potential=="npt"
+ v=k->v_npt(k)
+ a0=a0_npt()
+ elseif potential=="alg"
+ v=v_alg
+ a0=a0_alg
+ elseif potential=="algwell"
+ v=v_algwell
+ a0=a0_algwell
+ elseif potential=="exact"
+ v=k->v_exact(k,v_param_b,v_param_c,v_param_e)
+ a0=a0_exact(v_param_b,v_param_c,v_param_e)
+ elseif potential=="tent"
+ v=k->v_tent(k,v_param_a,v_param_b)
+ a0=a0_tent(v_param_a,v_param_b)
+ else
+ print(stderr,"unrecognized potential '",potential,"'.\n'")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ ## set parameters
+ # rhos
+ if length(rhos)==0
+ rhos=Array{Float64}(undef,nlrho)
+ for j in 0:nlrho-1
+ rhos[j+1]=(nlrho==1 ? 10^minlrho : 10^(minlrho+(maxlrho-minlrho)/(nlrho-1)*j))
+ end
+ end
+ # es
+ if length(es)==0
+ es=Array{Float64}(undef,nle)
+ for j in 0:nle-1
+ es[j+1]=(nle==1 ? 10^minle : 10^(minle+(maxle-minle)/(nle-1)*j))
+ end
+ end
+ # default minlrho_init
+ if (minlrho_init==nothing)
+ minlrho_init=log10(rho)
+ end
+ # splines
+ taus=Array{Float64}(undef,J+1)
+ for j in 0:J
+ taus[j+1]=-1+2*j/J
+ end
+ ## run command
+ if method=="easyeq"
+ if command=="energy"
+ easyeq_energy(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,order,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,easyeq_approx)
+ # e(rho)
+ elseif command=="energy_rho"
+ easyeq_energy_rho(rhos,order,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,easyeq_approx)
+ # u(k)
+ elseif command=="uk"
+ easyeq_uk(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,order,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,easyeq_approx)
+ # u(x)
+ elseif command=="ux"
+ easyeq_ux(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,order,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,xmin,xmax,nx,easyeq_approx)
+ elseif command=="uux"
+ easyeq_uux(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,order,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,xmin,xmax,nx,easyeq_approx)
+ # condensate fraction
+ elseif command=="condensate_fraction"
+ easyeq_condensate_fraction(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,order,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,easyeq_approx)
+ elseif command=="condensate_fraction_rho"
+ easyeq_condensate_fraction_rho(rhos,order,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,easyeq_approx)
+ else
+ print(stderr,"unrecognized command '",command,"'.\n")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ elseif method=="simpleq-hardcore"
+ if command=="energy_rho"
+ simpleq_hardcore_energy_rho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,maxiter,tolerance)
+ elseif command=="ux"
+ simpleq_hardcore_ux(rho,taus,P,N,J,maxiter,tolerance)
+ elseif command=="condensate_fraction_rho"
+ simpleq_hardcore_condensate_fraction_rho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,maxiter,tolerance)
+ end
+ elseif method=="simpleq-iteration"
+ # u_n(x) using iteration
+ if command=="u"
+ simpleq_iteration_ux(order,e,v,maxiter,xmin,xmax,nx)
+ # rho(e) using iteration
+ elseif command=="rho_e"
+ simpleq_iteration_rho_e(es,order,v,maxiter)
+ else
+ print(stderr,"unrecognized command '",command,"'.\n")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ elseif method=="anyeq"
+ if command=="save_Abar"
+ anyeq_save_Abar(taus,P,N,J,v,anyeq_approx)
+ elseif command=="energy"
+ anyeq_energy(rho,minlrho_init,nlrho_init,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ # e(rho)
+ elseif command=="energy_rho"
+ anyeq_energy_rho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ elseif command=="energy_rho_init_prevrho"
+ anyeq_energy_rho_init_prevrho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ elseif command=="energy_rho_init_nextrho"
+ anyeq_energy_rho_init_nextrho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ # u(j)
+ elseif command=="uk"
+ anyeq_uk(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,taus,P,N,J,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ # u(j)
+ elseif command=="ux"
+ anyeq_ux(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,taus,P,N,J,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,xmin,xmax,nx,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ # condensate fraction
+ elseif command=="condensate_fraction"
+ anyeq_condensate_fraction(rho,minlrho_init,nlrho_init,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ elseif command=="condensate_fraction_rho"
+ anyeq_condensate_fraction_rho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ # momentum distribution
+ elseif command=="momentum_distribution"
+ anyeq_momentum_distribution(rho,minlrho_init,nlrho_init,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ elseif command=="2pt"
+ anyeq_2pt_correlation(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,taus,P,N,J,windowL,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,xmin,xmax,nx,anyeq_approx,savefile)
+ else
+ print(stderr,"unrecognized command: '",command,"'\n")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ elseif method=="simpleq-Kv"
+ if command=="2pt"
+ simpleq_Kv_2pt(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,taus,P,N,J,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,xmin,xmax,nx)
+ elseif command=="condensate_fraction_rho"
+ simpleq_Kv_condensate_fraction(rhos,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ elseif command=="Kv"
+ simpleq_Kv_Kv(minlrho_init,nlrho_init,taus,P,N,J,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,xmin,xmax,nx)
+ else
+ print(stderr,"unrecognized command: '",command,"'\n")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ else
+ print(stderr,"unrecognized method: '",method,"'\n")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+# parse a comma separated list as an array of Float64
+function parse_list(str)
+ elems=split(str,",")
+ out=Array{Float64}(undef,length(elems))
+ for i in 1:length(elems)
+ out[i]=parse(Float64,elems[i])
+ end
+ return out
+# read cli arguments
+function read_args(ARGS)
+ # flag
+ flag=""
+ # output strings
+ params=""
+ # default potential
+ potential="exp"
+ # default method
+ method="easyeq"
+ savefile=""
+ command=""
+ # loop over arguments
+ for arg in ARGS
+ # argument that starts with a dash
+ if arg[1]=='-'
+ # go through characters after dash
+ for char in arg[2:length(arg)]
+ # set params
+ if char=='p'
+ # raise flag
+ flag="params"
+ elseif char=='U'
+ # raise flag
+ flag="potential"
+ elseif char=='M'
+ # raise flag
+ flag="method"
+ elseif char=='s'
+ # raise flag
+ flag="savefile"
+ else
+ print_usage()
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ # arguments that do not start with a dash
+ else
+ if flag=="params"
+ params=arg
+ elseif flag=="potential"
+ potential=arg
+ elseif flag=="method"
+ method=arg
+ elseif flag=="savefile"
+ savefile=arg
+ else
+ command=arg
+ end
+ # reset flag
+ flag=""
+ end
+ end
+ if command==""
+ print_usage()
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ return (params,potential,method,savefile,command)
+# usage
+function print_usage()
+ print(stderr,"usage: simplesolv [-p params] [-U potential] [-M method] [-s savefile] <command>\n")