Ian Jauslin
diff options
authorIan Jauslin <ian@jauslin.org>2021-10-04 11:12:34 -0400
committerIan Jauslin <ian@jauslin.org>2021-10-04 11:22:07 -0400
commite72af82c3ed16b81cdb5043c58abbdbb3cf02102 (patch)
tree2d2a4bf7a7e4be1e1d69dce37ff5ff37a83ff375 /src/anyeq.jl
Initial commitv0.3
Diffstat (limited to 'src/anyeq.jl')
1 files changed, 949 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/anyeq.jl b/src/anyeq.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8459cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/anyeq.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+## Copyright 2021 Ian Jauslin
+## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+## You may obtain a copy of the License at
+## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+## limitations under the License.
+# interpolation
+@everywhere mutable struct Anyeq_approx
+ aK::Float64
+ bK::Float64
+ gK::Float64
+ aL1::Float64
+ bL1::Float64
+ aL2::Float64
+ bL2::Float64
+ gL2::Float64
+ aL3::Float64
+ bL3::Float64
+ gL3::Float64
+# compute energy for a given rho
+# use minlrho, nlrho to incrementally compute the solution to medeq (to initialize the Newton algorithm)
+function anyeq_energy(rho,minlrho,nlrho,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx,savefile)
+ # initialize vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ rhos=Array{Float64}(undef,nlrho)
+ for j in 0:nlrho-1
+ rhos[j+1]=(nlrho==1 ? rho : 10^(minlrho+(log10(rho)-minlrho)/(nlrho-1)*j))
+ end
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq(rhos,N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ u0=u0s[nlrho]
+ (u,E,error)=anyeq_hatu(u0,P,N,J,rho,a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e\n",E,error)
+# compute energy as a function of rho
+function anyeq_energy_rho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx,savefile)
+ # initialize vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq(rhos,N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ # save result from each task
+ es=Array{Float64,1}(undef,length(rhos))
+ err=Array{Float64,1}(undef,length(rhos))
+ ## spawn workers
+ # number of workers
+ nw=nworkers()
+ # split jobs among workers
+ work=Array{Array{Int64,1},1}(undef,nw)
+ # init empty arrays
+ for p in 1:nw
+ work[p]=zeros(0)
+ end
+ for j in 1:length(rhos)
+ append!(work[(j-1)%nw+1],j)
+ end
+ count=0
+ # for each worker
+ @sync for p in 1:nw
+ # for each task
+ @async for j in work[p]
+ count=count+1
+ if count>=nw
+ progress(count,length(rhos),10000)
+ end
+ # run the task
+ (u,es[j],err[j])=remotecall_fetch(anyeq_hatu,workers()[p],u0s[j],P,N,J,rhos[j],a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ end
+ end
+ for j in 1:length(rhos)
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e % .15e\n",rhos[j],es[j],err[j])
+ end
+# compute energy as a function of rho
+# initialize with previous rho
+function anyeq_energy_rho_init_prevrho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx,savefile)
+ # initialize vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq([rhos[1]],N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ u=u0s[1]
+ for j in 1:length(rhos)
+ progress(j,length(rhos),10000)
+ # run the task
+ # init Newton from previous rho
+ (u,E,error)=anyeq_hatu(u,P,N,J,rhos[j],a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e % .15e\n",rhos[j],E,error)
+ # abort when the error gets too big
+ if error>tolerance
+ break
+ end
+ end
+# compute energy as a function of rho
+# initialize with next rho
+function anyeq_energy_rho_init_nextrho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx,savefile)
+ # initialize vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq([rhos[length(rhos)]],N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ u=u0s[1]
+ for j in 1:length(rhos)
+ progress(j,length(rhos),10000)
+ # run the task
+ # init Newton from previous rho
+ (u,E,error)=anyeq_hatu(u,P,N,J,rhos[length(rhos)+1-j],a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e % .15e\n",rhos[length(rhos)+1-j],real(E),error)
+ # abort when the error gets too big
+ if error>tolerance
+ break
+ end
+ end
+# compute u(k)
+# use minlrho, nlrho to incrementally compute the solution to medeq (to initialize the Newton algorithm)
+function anyeq_uk(minlrho,nlrho,taus,P,N,J,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx,savefile)
+ # init vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ rhos=Array{Float64}(undef,nlrho)
+ for j in 0:nlrho-1
+ rhos[j+1]=(nlrho==1 ? rho : 10^(minlrho+(log10(rho)-minlrho)/(nlrho-1)*j))
+ end
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq(rhos,N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ u0=u0s[nlrho]
+ (u,E,error)=anyeq_hatu(u0,P,N,J,rho,a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ for zeta in 0:J-1
+ for j in 1:N
+ # order k's in increasing order
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e\n",k[(J-1-zeta)*N+j],u[(J-1-zeta)*N+j])
+ end
+ end
+# compute u(x)
+# use minlrho, nlrho to incrementally compute the solution to medeq (to initialize the Newton algorithm)
+function anyeq_ux(minlrho,nlrho,taus,P,N,J,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,xmin,xmax,nx,approx,savefile)
+ # init vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ rhos=Array{Float64}(undef,nlrho)
+ for j in 0:nlrho-1
+ rhos[j+1]=(nlrho==1 ? rho : 10^(minlrho+(log10(rho)-minlrho)/(nlrho-1)*j))
+ end
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq(rhos,N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ u0=u0s[nlrho]
+ (u,E,error)=anyeq_hatu(u0,P,N,J,rho,a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ for i in 1:nx
+ x=xmin+(xmax-xmin)*i/nx
+ ux=0.
+ for zeta in 0:J-1
+ for j in 1:N
+ ux+=(taus[zeta+2]-taus[zeta+1])/(16*pi*x)*weights[2][j]*cos(pi*weights[1][j]/2)*(1+k[zeta*N+j])^2*k[zeta*N+j]*u[zeta*N+j]*sin(k[zeta*N+j]*x)
+ end
+ end
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e % .15e\n",x,real(ux),imag(ux))
+ end
+# compute condensate fraction for a given rho
+# use minlrho, nlrho to incrementally compute the solution to medeq (to initialize the Newton algorithm)
+function anyeq_condensate_fraction(rho,minlrho,nlrho,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx,savefile)
+ # initialize vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ rhos=Array{Float64}(undef,nlrho)
+ for j in 0:nlrho-1
+ rhos[j+1]=(nlrho==1 ? rho : 10^(minlrho+(log10(rho)-minlrho)/(nlrho-1)*j))
+ end
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq(rhos,N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ u0=u0s[nlrho]
+ (u,E,error)=anyeq_hatu(u0,P,N,J,rho,a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ # compute eta
+ eta=anyeq_eta(u,P,N,J,rho,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,approx)
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e\n",eta,error)
+# condensate fraction as a function of rho
+function anyeq_condensate_fraction_rho(rhos,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx,savefile)
+ ## spawn workers
+ # number of workers
+ nw=nworkers()
+ # split jobs among workers
+ work=Array{Array{Int64,1},1}(undef,nw)
+ # init empty arrays
+ for p in 1:nw
+ work[p]=zeros(0)
+ end
+ for j in 1:length(rhos)
+ append!(work[(j-1)%nw+1],j)
+ end
+ # initialize vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq(rhos,N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ # compute u
+ us=Array{Array{Float64,1}}(undef,length(rhos))
+ errs=Array{Float64,1}(undef,length(rhos))
+ count=0
+ # for each worker
+ @sync for p in 1:nw
+ # for each task
+ @async for j in work[p]
+ count=count+1
+ if count>=nw
+ progress(count,length(rhos),10000)
+ end
+ # run the task
+ (us[j],E,errs[j])=remotecall_fetch(anyeq_hatu,workers()[p],u0s[j],P,N,J,rhos[j],a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ end
+ end
+ # compute eta
+ etas=Array{Float64}(undef,length(rhos))
+ count=0
+ # for each worker
+ @sync for p in 1:nw
+ # for each task
+ @async for j in work[p]
+ count=count+1
+ if count>=nw
+ progress(count,length(rhos),10000)
+ end
+ # run the task
+ etas[j]=anyeq_eta(us[j],P,N,J,rhos[j],weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,approx)
+ end
+ end
+ for j in 1:length(rhos)
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e % .15e\n",rhos[j],etas[j],errs[j])
+ end
+# compute the momentum distribution for a given rho
+# use minlrho, nlrho to incrementally compute the solution to medeq (to initialize the Newton algorithm)
+function anyeq_momentum_distribution(rho,minlrho,nlrho,taus,P,N,J,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx,savefile)
+ # initialize vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ rhos=Array{Float64}(undef,nlrho)
+ for j in 0:nlrho-1
+ rhos[j+1]=(nlrho==1 ? rho : 10^(minlrho+(log10(rho)-minlrho)/(nlrho-1)*j))
+ end
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq(rhos,N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ u0=u0s[nlrho]
+ (u,E,error)=anyeq_hatu(u0,P,N,J,rho,a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ # compute M
+ M=anyeq_momentum(u,P,N,J,rho,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,approx)
+ for zeta in 0:J-1
+ for j in 1:N
+ # order k's in increasing order
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e\n",k[(J-1-zeta)*N+j],M[(J-1-zeta)*N+j])
+ end
+ end
+# 2 point correlation function
+function anyeq_2pt_correlation(minlrho,nlrho,taus,P,N,J,windowL,rho,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance,xmin,xmax,nx,approx,savefile)
+ # init vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ if savefile!=""
+ Abar=anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ else
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ end
+ # compute initial guess from medeq
+ rhos=Array{Float64}(undef,nlrho)
+ for j in 0:nlrho-1
+ rhos[j+1]=(nlrho==1 ? rho : 10^(minlrho+(log10(rho)-minlrho)/(nlrho-1)*j))
+ end
+ u0s=anyeq_init_medeq(rhos,N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ u0=u0s[nlrho]
+ # compute u and some useful integrals
+ (u,E,error)=anyeq_hatu(u0,P,N,J,rho,a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ (S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK,G)=anyeq_SEIJGXY(rho*u,rho,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx)
+ for i in 1:nx
+ x=xmin+(xmax-xmin)*i/nx
+ C2=anyeq_2pt(x,u,P,N,J,windowL,rho,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,approx,S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK,G)
+ @printf("% .15e % .15e\n",x,C2)
+ end
+# compute Abar
+function anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ if approx.bL3==0.
+ return []
+ end
+ out=Array{Array{Float64,5}}(undef,J*N)
+ ## spawn workers
+ # number of workers
+ nw=nworkers()
+ # split jobs among workers
+ work=Array{Array{Int64,1},1}(undef,nw)
+ # init empty arrays
+ for p in 1:nw
+ work[p]=zeros(0)
+ end
+ for j in 1:N*J
+ append!(work[(j-1)%nw+1],j)
+ end
+ count=0
+ # for each worker
+ @sync for p in 1:nw
+ # for each task
+ @async for j in work[p]
+ count=count+1
+ if count>=nw
+ progress(count,N*J,10000)
+ end
+ # run the task
+ out[j]=remotecall_fetch(barAmat,workers()[p],k[j],weights,taus,T,P,N,J,2,2,2,2,2)
+ end
+ end
+ return out
+# initialize computation
+@everywhere function anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # Gauss-Legendre weights
+ weights=gausslegendre(N)
+ # initialize vectors V,k
+ V=Array{Float64}(undef,J*N)
+ k=Array{Float64}(undef,J*N)
+ for zeta in 0:J-1
+ for j in 1:N
+ xj=weights[1][j]
+ # set kj
+ k[zeta*N+j]=(2+(taus[zeta+2]-taus[zeta+1])*sin(pi*xj/2)-(taus[zeta+2]+taus[zeta+1]))/(2-(taus[zeta+2]-taus[zeta+1])*sin(pi*xj/2)+taus[zeta+2]+taus[zeta+1])
+ # set v
+ V[zeta*N+j]=v(k[zeta*N+j])
+ end
+ end
+ # potential at 0
+ V0=v(0)
+ # initialize matrix A
+ T=chebyshev_polynomials(P)
+ A=Amat(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,2,2)
+ # compute Upsilon
+ # Upsilonmat does not use splines, so increase precision
+ weights_plus=gausslegendre(N*J)
+ Upsilon=Upsilonmat(k,v,weights_plus)
+ Upsilon0=Upsilon0mat(k,v,weights_plus)
+ return(weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)
+# compute initial guess from medeq
+@everywhere function anyeq_init_medeq(rhos,N,J,k,a0,v,maxiter,tolerance)
+ us_medeq=Array{Array{Float64,1}}(undef,length(rhos))
+ u0s=Array{Array{Float64,1}}(undef,length(rhos))
+ weights_medeq=gausslegendre(N*J)
+ (us_medeq[1],E,err)=easyeq_hatu(easyeq_init_u(a0,J*N,weights_medeq),J*N,rhos[1],v,maxiter,tolerance,weights_medeq,Easyeq_approx(1.,1.))
+ u0s[1]=easyeq_to_anyeq(us_medeq[1],weights_medeq,k,N,J)
+ if err>tolerance
+ print(stderr,"warning: computation of initial Ansatz failed for rho=",rhos[1],"\n")
+ end
+ for j in 2:length(rhos)
+ (us_medeq[j],E,err)=easyeq_hatu(us_medeq[j-1],J*N,rhos[j],v,maxiter,tolerance,weights_medeq,Easyeq_approx(1.,1.))
+ u0s[j]=easyeq_to_anyeq(us_medeq[j],weights_medeq,k,N,J)
+ if err>tolerance
+ print(stderr,"warning: computation of initial Ansatz failed for rho=",rhos[j],"\n")
+ end
+ end
+ return u0s
+# interpolate the solution of medeq to an input for anyeq
+@everywhere function easyeq_to_anyeq(u_simple,weights,k,N,J)
+ # reorder u_simple, which is evaluated at (1-x_j)/(1+x_j) with x_j\in[-1,1]
+ u_s=zeros(Float64,length(u_simple))
+ k_s=Array{Float64}(undef,length(u_simple))
+ for j in 1:length(u_simple)
+ xj=weights[1][j]
+ k_s[length(u_simple)-j+1]=(1-xj)/(1+xj)
+ u_s[length(u_simple)-j+1]=u_simple[j]
+ end
+ # initialize U
+ u=zeros(Float64,J*N)
+ for zeta in 0:J-1
+ for j in 1:N
+ u[zeta*N+j]=linear_interpolation(k[zeta*N+j],k_s,u_s)
+ end
+ end
+ return u
+# compute u using chebyshev expansions
+@everywhere function anyeq_hatu(u0,P,N,J,rho,a0,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,v,maxiter,tolerance,approx)
+ # init
+ # rescale by rho (that's how u is defined)
+ u=rho*u0
+ # quantify relative error
+ error=-1.
+ # run Newton algorithm
+ for i in 1:maxiter-1
+ (S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK,G)=anyeq_SEIJGXY(u,rho,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx)
+ new=u-inv(anyeq_DXi(u,rho,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx,S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK))*anyeq_Xi(u,X,Y)
+ error=norm(new-u)/norm(u)
+ if(error<tolerance)
+ u=new
+ break
+ end
+ u=new
+ end
+ energy=rho/2*V0-avg_v_chebyshev(u,Upsilon0,k,taus,weights,N,J)/2
+ return(u/rho,energy,error)
+# save Abar
+function anyeq_save_Abar(taus,P,N,J,v,approx)
+ # initialize vectors
+ (weights,T,k,V,V0,A,Upsilon,Upsilon0)=anyeq_init(taus,P,N,J,v)
+ # init Abar
+ Abar=anyeq_Abar_multithread(k,weights,taus,T,P,N,J,approx)
+ # print params
+ @printf("## P=%d N=%d J=%d\n",P,N,J)
+ for i in 1:N*J
+ for j1 in 1:(P+1)*J
+ for j2 in 1:(P+1)*J
+ for j3 in 1:(P+1)*J
+ for j4 in 1:(P+1)*J
+ for j5 in 1:(P+1)*J
+ @printf("% .15e\n",Abar[i][j1,j2,j3,j4,j5])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# read Abar
+function anyeq_read_Abar(savefile,P,N,J)
+ # open file
+ ff=open(savefile,"r")
+ # read all lines
+ lines=readlines(ff)
+ close(ff)
+ # init
+ Abar=Array{Array{Float64,5}}(undef,N*J)
+ for i in 1:N*J
+ Abar[i]=Array{Float64,5}(undef,(P+1)*J,(P+1)*J,(P+1)*J,(P+1)*J,(P+1)*J)
+ end
+ i=1
+ j1=1
+ j2=1
+ j3=1
+ j4=1
+ j5=0
+ for l in 1:length(lines)
+ # drop comments
+ if lines[l]!="" && lines[l][1]!='#'
+ # increment counters
+ if j5<(P+1)*J
+ j5+=1
+ else
+ j5=1
+ if j4<(P+1)*J
+ j4+=1
+ else
+ j4=1
+ if j3<(P+1)*J
+ j3+=1
+ else
+ j3=1
+ if j2<(P+1)*J
+ j2+=1
+ else
+ j2=1
+ if j1<(P+1)*J
+ j1+=1
+ else
+ j1=1
+ if i<N*J
+ i+=1
+ else
+ print(stderr,"error: too many lines in savefile\n")
+ exit()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Abar[i][j1,j2,j3,j4,j5]=parse(Float64,lines[l])
+ end
+ end
+ return Abar
+# Xi
+# takes the vector of kj's and xn's as input
+@everywhere function anyeq_Xi(U,X,Y)
+ return U-(Y.+1)./(2*(X.+1)).*dotPhi((Y.+1)./((X.+1).^2))
+# DXi
+# takes the vector of kj's as input
+@everywhere function anyeq_DXi(U,rho,k,taus,v,v0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx,S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK)
+ out=Array{Float64,2}(undef,N*J,N*J)
+ for zetapp in 0:J-1
+ for n in 1:N
+ one=zeros(Int64,J*N)
+ one[zetapp*N+n]=1
+ # Chebyshev expansion of U
+ FU=chebyshev(U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)
+ dS=-conv_one_v_chebyshev(n,zetapp,Upsilon,k,taus,weights,N,J)/rho
+ dE=-avg_one_v_chebyshev(n,zetapp,Upsilon0,k,taus,weights,N)/rho
+ UU=conv_chebyshev(FU,FU,A)
+ dII=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.gL2!=0.
+ if approx.bL2!=0.
+ dII+=approx.gL2*approx.bL2*(conv_one_chebyshev(n,zetapp,chebyshev(U.*S,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)/rho+conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(one.*S+U.*dS,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho)
+ end
+ if approx.bL2!=1.
+ dII+=approx.gL2*(1-approx.bL2)*(dE/rho*UU+2*E/rho*conv_one_chebyshev(n,zetapp,FU,A,taus,weights,P,N,J,2))
+ end
+ end
+ dJJ=zeros(Float64,J*N)
+ if approx.gL3!=0.
+ if approx.bL3!=0.
+ FS=chebyshev(S,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)
+ dFU=chebyshev(one,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)
+ dFS=chebyshev(dS,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)
+ dJJ+=approx.gL3*approx.bL3*(4*double_conv_S_chebyshev(FU,FU,FU,dFU,FS,Abar)+double_conv_S_chebyshev(FU,FU,FU,FU,dFS,Abar))
+ end
+ if approx.bL3!=1.
+ dJJ+=approx.gL3*(1-approx.bL3)*(dE*(UU/rho).^2+4*E*conv_one_chebyshev(n,zetapp,FU,A,taus,weights,P,N,J,2).*UU/rho^2)
+ end
+ end
+ dG=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.aK!=0. && approx.gK!=0.
+ if approx.bK!=0.
+ dG+=approx.aK*approx.gK*approx.bK*(conv_one_chebyshev(n,zetapp,chebyshev(2*S.*U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)/rho+conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(2*S.*one+2*dS.*U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho)
+ end
+ if approx.bK!=1.
+ dG+=approx.aK*approx.gK*(1-approx.bK)*(2*dE*UU/rho+4*E*conv_one_chebyshev(n,zetapp,FU,A,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)/rho)
+ end
+ end
+ if approx.aL1!=0.
+ if approx.bL1!=0.
+ dG-=approx.aL1*approx.bL1*(conv_one_chebyshev(n,zetapp,chebyshev(S.*(U.^2),taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)/rho+conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(2*S.*U.*one+dS.*(U.^2),taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho)
+ end
+ if approx.bL1!=1.
+ dG-=approx.aL1*(1-approx.bL1)*(E/rho*conv_one_chebyshev(n,zetapp,chebyshev((U.^2),taus,weights,P,N,J,2),taus,A,weights,P,N,J,2)+conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(2*E*U.*one+dE*(U.^2),taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho)
+ end
+ end
+ if approx.aL2!=0. && approx.gL2!=0.
+ dG+=approx.aL2*(conv_one_chebyshev(n,zetapp,chebyshev(2*II.*U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)/rho+conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(2*dII.*U+2*II.*one,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho)
+ end
+ if approx.aL3!=0. && approx.gL3!=0.
+ dG-=approx.aL3*(conv_one_chebyshev(n,zetapp,chebyshev(JJ/2,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)/rho+conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(dJJ/2,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho)
+ end
+ dsK=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.gK!=0.
+ if approx.bK!=0.
+ dsK+=approx.gK*approx.bK*dS
+ end
+ if approx.bK!=1.
+ dsK+=approx.gK*(1-approx.bK)*dE*ones(N*J)
+ end
+ else
+ end
+ dsL1=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.bL1!=0.
+ dsL1+=approx.bL1*dS
+ end
+ if approx.bL1!=1.
+ dsL1+=(1-approx.bL1)*dE*ones(Float64,N*J)
+ end
+ dX=(dsK-dsL1+dII)./sL1-X./sL1.*dsL1
+ dY=(dS-dsL1+dG+dJJ/2)./sL1-Y./sL1.*dsL1
+ out[:,zetapp*N+n]=one+((Y.+1).*dX./(X.+1)-dY)./(2*(X.+1)).*dotPhi((Y.+1)./((X.+1).^2))+(Y.+1)./(2*(X.+1).^3).*(2*(Y.+1)./(X.+1).*dX-dY).*dotdPhi((Y.+1)./(X.+1).^2)
+ end
+ end
+ return out
+# compute S,E,I,J,X and Y
+@everywhere function anyeq_SEIJGXY(U,rho,k,taus,v,v0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx)
+ # Chebyshev expansion of U
+ FU=chebyshev(U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)
+ S=v-conv_v_chebyshev(U,Upsilon,k,taus,weights,N,J)/rho
+ E=v0-avg_v_chebyshev(U,Upsilon0,k,taus,weights,N,J)/rho
+ UU=conv_chebyshev(FU,FU,A)
+ II=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.gL2!=0.
+ if approx.bL2!=0.
+ II+=approx.gL2*approx.bL2*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(U.*S,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ if approx.bL2!=1.
+ II+=approx.gL2*(1-approx,bL2)*E/rho*UU
+ end
+ end
+ JJ=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.gL3!=0.
+ if approx.bL3!=0.
+ FS=chebyshev(S,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)
+ JJ+=approx.gL3*approx.bL3*double_conv_S_chebyshev(FU,FU,FU,FU,FS,Abar)
+ end
+ if approx.bL3!=1.
+ JJ+=approx.gL3*(1-approx.bL3)*E*(UU/rho).^2
+ end
+ end
+ G=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.aK!=0. && approx.gK!=0.
+ if approx.bK!=0.
+ G+=approx.aK*approx.gK*approx.bK*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(2*S.*U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ if approx.bK!=1.
+ G+=approx.aK*approx.gK*(1-approx.bK)*2*E*UU/rho
+ end
+ end
+ if approx.aL1!=0.
+ if approx.bL1!=0.
+ G-=approx.aL1*approx.bL1*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(S.*(U.^2),taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ if approx.bL1!=1.
+ G-=approx.aL1*(1-approx.bL1)*E/rho*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev((U.^2),taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)
+ end
+ end
+ if approx.aL2!=0. && approx.gL2!=0.
+ G+=approx.aL2*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(2*II.*U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ if approx.aL3!=0 && approx.gL3!=0.
+ G-=approx.aL3*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(JJ/2,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ sK=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.gK!=0.
+ if approx.bK!=0.
+ sK+=approx.gK*approx.bK*S
+ end
+ if approx.bK!=1.
+ sK+=approx.gK*(1-approx.bK)*E*ones(Float64,N*J)
+ end
+ end
+ sL1=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.bL1!=0.
+ sL1+=approx.bL1*S
+ end
+ if approx.bL1!=1.
+ sL1+=(1-approx.bL1)*E*ones(Float64,N*J)
+ end
+ X=(k.^2/2+rho*(sK-sL1+II))./sL1/rho
+ Y=(S-sL1+G+JJ/2)./sL1
+ return(S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK,G)
+# condensate fraction
+@everywhere function anyeq_eta(u,P,N,J,rho,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,approx)
+ # compute dXi/dmu
+ (S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK,G)=anyeq_SEIJGXY(rho*u,rho,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx)
+ dXidmu=(Y.+1)./(rho*sL1)./(2*(X.+1).^2).*dotPhi((Y.+1)./((X.+1).^2))+(Y.+1).^2 ./((X.+1).^4)./(rho*sL1).*dotdPhi((Y.+1)./(X.+1).^2)
+ # compute eta
+ du=-inv(anyeq_DXi(rho*u,rho,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx,S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK))*dXidmu
+ eta=-avg_v_chebyshev(du,Upsilon0,k,taus,weights,N,J)/2
+ return eta
+# momentum distribution
+@everywhere function anyeq_momentum(u,P,N,J,rho,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,approx)
+ # compute dXi/dlambda (without delta functions)
+ (S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK,G)=anyeq_SEIJGXY(rho*u,rho,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx)
+ dXidlambda=-(2*pi)^3*2*u./sL1.*(dotPhi((Y.+1)./((X.+1).^2))./(2*(X.+1))+(Y.+1)./(2*(X.+1).^3).*dotdPhi((Y.+1)./(X.+1).^2))
+ # approximation for delta function (without Kronecker deltas)
+ delta=Array{Float64}(undef,J*N)
+ for zeta in 0:J-1
+ for n in 1:N
+ delta[zeta*N+n]=2/pi^2/((taus[zeta+2]-taus[zeta+1])*weights[2][n]*cos(pi*weights[1][n]/2)*(1+k[zeta*N+n])^2*k[zeta*N+n]^2)
+ end
+ end
+ # compute dXidu
+ dXidu=inv(anyeq_DXi(rho*u,rho,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx,S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK))
+ M=Array{Float64}(undef,J*N)
+ for i in 1:J*N
+ # du/dlambda
+ du=dXidu[:,i]*dXidlambda[i]*delta[i]
+ # compute M
+ M[i]=-avg_v_chebyshev(du,Upsilon0,k,taus,weights,N,J)/2
+ end
+ return M
+# correlation function
+@everywhere function anyeq_2pt(x,u,P,N,J,windowL,rho,weights,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,approx,S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK,G)
+ # initialize dV
+ dV=Array{Float64}(undef,J*N)
+ for i in 1:J*N
+ if x>0
+ dV[i]=sin(k[i]*x)/(k[i]*x)*hann(k[i],windowL)
+ else
+ dV[i]=hann(k[i],windowL)
+ end
+ end
+ dV0=1.
+ # compute dUpsilon
+ # Upsilonmat does not use splines, so increase precision
+ weights_plus=gausslegendre(N*J)
+ dUpsilon=Upsilonmat(k,r->sin(r*x)/(r*x)*hann(r,windowL),weights_plus)
+ dUpsilon0=Upsilon0mat(k,r->sin(r*x)/(r*x)*hann(r,windowL),weights_plus)
+ du=-inv(anyeq_DXi(rho*u,rho,k,taus,V,V0,A,Abar,Upsilon,Upsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx,S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK))*anyeq_dXidv(x,rho*u,rho,k,taus,dV,dV0,A,Abar,dUpsilon,dUpsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx,S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK)
+ # rescale rho
+ du=du/rho
+ C2=rho^2*(1-integrate_f_chebyshev(s->1.,u.*dV+V.*du,k,taus,weights,N,J))
+ return C2
+# derivative of Xi with respect to v in the direction sin(kx)/kx
+@everywhere function anyeq_dXidv(x,U,rho,k,taus,dv,dv0,A,Abar,dUpsilon,dUpsilon0,weights,P,N,J,approx,S,E,II,JJ,X,Y,sL1,sK)
+ # Chebyshev expansion of U
+ FU=chebyshev(U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)
+ dS=dv-conv_v_chebyshev(U,dUpsilon,k,taus,weights,N,J)/rho
+ dE=dv0-avg_v_chebyshev(U,dUpsilon0,k,taus,weights,N,J)/rho
+ UU=conv_chebyshev(FU,FU,A)
+ dII=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.gL2!=0.
+ if approx.bL2!=0.
+ dII+=approx.gL2*approx.bL2*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(U.*dS,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ if approx.bL2!=1.
+ dII+=approx.gL2*(1-approx,bL2)*dE/rho*UU
+ end
+ end
+ dJJ=zeros(Float64,J*N)
+ if approx.gL3!=0.
+ if approx.bL3!=0.
+ dFS=chebyshev(dS,taus,weights,P,N,J,2)
+ dJJ+=approx.gL3*approx.bL3*double_conv_S_chebyshev(FU,FU,FU,FU,dFS,Abar)
+ end
+ if approx.bL3!=1.
+ dJJ=approx.gL3*(1-approx.bL3)*dE*(UU/rho).^2
+ end
+ end
+ dG=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.aK!=0. && approx.gK!=0.
+ if approx.bK!=0.
+ dG+=approx.aK*approx.gK*approx.bK*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(2*dS.*U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ if approx.bK!=1.
+ dG+=approx.aK*approx.gK*(1-approx.bK)*2*dE*UU/rho
+ end
+ end
+ if approx.aL1!=0.
+ if approx.bL1!=0.
+ dG-=approx.aL1*approx.bL1*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(dS.*(U.^2),taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ if approx.bL1!=1.
+ dG-=approx.aL1*(1-approx.bL1)*dE/rho*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev((U.^2),taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)
+ end
+ end
+ if approx.aL2!=0. && approx.gL2!=0.
+ dG+=approx.aL2*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(2*dII.*U,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ if approx.aL3!=0. && approx.gL3!=0.
+ dG-=approx.aL3*conv_chebyshev(FU,chebyshev(dJJ/2,taus,weights,P,N,J,2),A)/rho
+ end
+ dsK=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.gK!=0.
+ if approx.bK!=0.
+ dsK+=approx.gK*approx.bK*dS
+ end
+ if approx.bK!=1.
+ dsK+=approx.gK*(1-approx.bK)*dE*ones(N*J)
+ end
+ end
+ dsL1=zeros(Float64,N*J)
+ if approx.bL1!=0.
+ dsL1+=approx.bL1*dS
+ end
+ if approx.bL1!=1.
+ dsL1+=(1-approx.bL1)*dE*ones(N*J)
+ end
+ dX=(dsK-dsL1+dII)./sL1-X./sL1.*dsL1
+ dY=(dS-dsL1+dG+dJJ/2)./sL1-Y./sL1.*dsL1
+ out=((Y.+1).*dX./(X.+1)-dY)./(2*(X.+1)).*dotPhi((Y.+1)./((X.+1).^2))+(Y.+1)./(2*(X.+1).^3).*(2*(Y.+1)./(X.+1).*dX-dY).*dotdPhi((Y.+1)./(X.+1).^2)
+ return out