Ian Jauslin
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-05-10LicenseHEADmasterIan Jauslin
2023-04-25Remove terms with kx=0 and ky<=0Ian Jauslin
2023-04-24Rename read_u/write_u to read_vec/write_vecIan Jauslin
2023-04-24New option for init: file_txt for plain txt inputIan Jauslin
2023-04-14binary ioIan Jauslin
2023-04-11Only store u[kx,ky] with kx>=0Ian Jauslin
2023-04-05Fix initial enstrophyIan Jauslin
2022-05-27savefile and initfileIan Jauslin
2022-05-26choose initial condition on cliIan Jauslin