set ylabel "J\\hskip10pt" norotate set xlabel "z" set xrange[0:2] set yrange [0:] unset xtics unset ytics # default output canvas size: 12.5cm x 8.75cm set term lua tikz size 12.5,8.75 standalone set key off # 3=1+2 draw bottom and left sides of the box set border 3 # set linestyle set style line 1 linetype rgbcolor "#4169E1" linewidth 3 set style line 2 linetype rgbcolor "#DC143C" linewidth 3 set style line 3 linetype rgbcolor "#32CD32" linewidth 3 set style line 4 linetype rgbcolor "#4B0082" linewidth 3 set style line 5 linetype rgbcolor "#DAA520" linewidth 3 set pointsize 0.6 set label "\\bf [HL79]" at 0.85,3.5 front textcolor "white" set label "\\bf [JL18]" at 1.65,3.5 front textcolor "white" plot (x<1 ? -log(x)+1 : 1) with filledcurves x2 linestyle 1 ,\ (x>1.5 ? x : 1/0) with filledcurves x2 linestyle 2