datafile="asymptotic.dat" ## can also set the following options #set title "" set ylabel "$|\\psi_{\\mathrm{FN}}|^2$" tc ls 1 #norotate set y2label "$J_{\\mathrm{FN}}$" tc ls 2 #norotate set xlabel "$x$" # #set xrange[:] #set yrange [:] set y2range [0:0.004] # ## start ticks at 0, then every x #set xtics 0,x #set ytics 0,x ## puts 4 minor tics between tics (5 intervals, i.e. every 0.01) set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 # default output canvas size: 12.5cm x 8.75cm set term lua tikz size 12.5,8.75 standalone # run ## gnuplot gnuplots && gnuplot_tikz out/latext/minimizer.tex set key off # 3=1+2 draw bottom and left sides of the box #set border 3 # don't show tics on opposite sides set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror tc ls 1 set y2tics nomirror tc ls 2 # Mathematica colors: ## 3f3d99 (dark blue) ## 9c4275 (dark pink) ## 9a8d3f (dark yellow) ## 3d9956 (dark green) # My colors ## 4169E1 (pastel blue) ## DC143C (bright red) ## 32CD32 (bright green) ## 4B0082 (deep purple) ## DAA520 (ochre) # set linestyle set style line 1 linetype rgbcolor "#4169E1" linewidth 3 set style line 2 linetype rgbcolor "#DC143C" linewidth 3 set style line 3 linetype rgbcolor "#32CD32" linewidth 3 set style line 4 linetype rgbcolor "#4B0082" linewidth 3 set style line 5 linetype rgbcolor "#DAA520" linewidth 3 set pointsize 0.6 set arrow to 0, graph 1 nohead lt 0 plot datafile using 1:2 with lines linestyle 1 ,\ datafile using 1:3 with lines linestyle 2 axes x1y2