#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot # output file outfile="flow_plot.tex" set output outfile # tics set x2tics ("$\\log_2\\epsilon$" 5, "$3\\log_2\\epsilon$" 15) nomirror out set ytics ("$1$" 1, "$\\epsilon$" 2**(-5), "$2\\epsilon|\\log_2\\epsilon|$" 2**(-5)*(15-5+1)) nomirror out unset xtics set xrange [0:20] set yrange [-0.5:1] # remove key unset key # titles set x2label "$h$" offset 18,-3 set ylabel norotate "$|V_h|$" offset 10.5,-9 # set terminal (add color definitions for title) set term lua tikz size 8.33,5.833 standalone font "\\footnotesize" # 3=1+2 draw bottom and left sides of the box set border 6 # set linestyles set style line 2 linetype rgbcolor "#DC143C" linewidth 2 set style line 3 linetype rgbcolor "#32CD32" linewidth 2 # extra text set label "irrelevant" at 2.5,-0.1 center textcolor "#32CD32" set label "$\\sim 2^{h}$" at 2.5,-0.25 center textcolor "#32CD32" set label "marginal" at 10,-0.1 center textcolor "#DC143C" set label "$\\sim\\epsilon|h-\\log_2\\epsilon|$" at 10,-0.25 center textcolor "#DC143C" set label "irrelevant" at 17.5,-0.1 center textcolor "#32CD32" set label "$\\sim\\epsilon|2\\log_2\\epsilon|2^{h-3\\log_2\\epsilon}$" at 15,-0.25 left textcolor "#32CD32" set samples 97 set arrow from 0,1 to 20,1 set arrow from 0,1 to 0,-0.5 set arrow from 5,1 to 5,-0.5 nohead dashtype 2 set arrow from 15,1 to 15,-0.5 nohead dashtype 2 # plots plot \ ((x<=5) ? 2**(-x) : 1/0) linestyle 3,\ ((x>=5 && x<=15) ? 2**(-5)*(x-5+1) : 1/0) linestyle 2,\ ((x>=15) ? 2**(-5)*(15-5+1)*2**(-(x-15)) : 1/0) linestyle 3