#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot datafile="bands_third.dat" # output outfile="bands_third_plot.tex" set output outfile # terminal set term lua tikz size 10,6 standalone tightboundingbox # format axes set key off unset colorbox unset border unset xtics unset ytics unset ztics # colors ## FF143C (bright red) ## 32CD32 (bright green) # angle camera set view 80,50 # style for mesh lines set style line 1 linetype rgbcolor "#000000" # splot mode set pm3d hidden3d depthorder # set colors set palette defined (0 "#FF143C", 1 "#32CD32") # set data range set zrange [-0.0001:0.0001] # plot splot datafile using 1:2:3:4 with pm3d linestyle 1 , \ datafile using 5:6:7:8 with pm3d linestyle 1