## Copyright 2021-2023 Ian Jauslin ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. # exponential potential in 3 dimensions @everywhere function v_exp( k::Float64, a::Float64 ) return 8*pi/(1+k^2)^2*a end @everywhere function a0_exp( a::Float64 ) if a>0. return log(a)+2*MathConstants.eulergamma+2*besselk(0,2*sqrt(a))/besseli(0,2*sqrt(a)) elseif a<0. return log(-a)+2*MathConstants.eulergamma-pi*bessely(0,2*sqrt(-a))/besselj(0,2*sqrt(-a)) else return 0. end end # exp(-x)-a*exp(-b*x) in 3 dimensions @everywhere function v_expcry( k::Float64, a::Float64, b::Float64 ) return 8*pi*((1+k^2)^(-2)-a*b*(b^2+k^2)^(-2)) end @everywhere function a0_expcry( a::Float64, b::Float64 ) return 1.21751642717932720441274114683413710125487579284827462 #ish end # x^2*exp(-|x|) in 3 dimensions @everywhere function v_npt( k::Float64 ) return 96*pi*(1-k^2)/(1+k^2)^4 end @everywhere function a0_npt() return 1. #ish end # 1/(1+x^4/4) potential in 3 dimensions @everywhere function v_alg( k::Float64 ) if(k==0) return 4*pi^2 else return 4*pi^2*exp(-k)*sin(k)/k end end a0_alg=1. #ish # (1+a x^4)/(1+x^2)^4 potential in 3 dimensions @everywhere function v_algwell( k::Float64 ) a=4 return pi^2/24*exp(-k)*(a*(k^2-9*k+15)+k^2+3*k+3) end a0_algwell=1. #ish # potential corresponding to the exact solution c/(1+b^2x^2)^2 @everywhere function v_exact( k::Float64, b::Float64, c::Float64, e::Float64 ) if k!=0 return 48*pi^2*((18+3*sqrt(c)-(4-3*e/b^2)*c-(1-2*e/b^2)*c^1.5)/(4*(3+sqrt(c))^2*sqrt(c))*exp(-sqrt(1-sqrt(c))*k/b)+(-18+3*sqrt(c)+(4-3*e/b^2)*c-(1-2*e/b^2)*c^1.5)/(4*(3-sqrt(c))^2*sqrt(c))*exp(-sqrt(1+sqrt(c))*k/b)+(1-k/b)/2*exp(-k/b)-c*e/b^2*(3*(9-c)*k/b+8*c)/(8*(9-c)^2)*exp(-2*k/b))/k else return 48*pi^2*(-sqrt(1-sqrt(c))/b*(18+3*sqrt(c)-(4-3*e/b^2)*c-(1-2*e/b^2)*c^1.5)/(4*(3+sqrt(c))^2*sqrt(c))-sqrt(1+sqrt(c))/b*(-18+3*sqrt(c)+(4-3*e/b^2)*c-(1-2*e/b^2)*c^1.5)/(4*(3-sqrt(c))^2*sqrt(c))-1/b-c*e/b^2*(27-19*c)/(8*(9-c)^2)) end end @everywhere function a0_exact( b::Float64, c::Float64, e::Float64 ) return 1. #ish end # tent potential (convolution of soft sphere with itself): a*pi/12*(2*|x|/b-2)^2*(2*|x|/b+4) for |x|