/* Copyright 2017-2023 Ian Jauslin Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "io.h" #include "navier-stokes.h" // write complex vector indexed by k1,k2 to file int write_vec(_Complex double* vec, int K1, int K2, FILE* file){ int kx,ky; // do nothing if there is no file if(file==NULL){ return 0; } for(kx=0;kx<=K1;kx++){ for(ky=(kx>0 ? -K2 : 1);ky<=K2;ky++){ fprintf(file,"% 3d % 3d % .15e % .15e\n",kx,ky,__real__ vec[klookup_sym(kx,ky,K2)],__imag__ vec[klookup_sym(kx,ky,K2)]); } } return 0; } // write complex vector indexed by k1,k2 to file in binary format int write_vec_bin(_Complex double* vec, int K1, int K2, FILE* file){ // do nothing if there is no file if(file==NULL){ return 0; } fwrite(vec, sizeof(_Complex double), K1*(2*K2+1)+K2, file); return 0; } // read complex vector indexed by k1,k2 from file int read_vec(_Complex double* out, int K1, int K2, FILE* file){ int kx,ky; double r,i; char* line; unsigned int len=256; unsigned int pos=0; char* line_realloc; char c; int ret; unsigned int counter=0; bool commented=false; // error if there is no file (this should not happen) if (file==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"error reading input from file (this is a bug, contact Ian at ian.jauslin@rutgers.edu!)\n"); return -1; } // allocate line buffer line=calloc(sizeof(char), len); while(1){ c=fgetc(file); // end of file if (feof(file)){ break; } // newline: read line and reset buffer if(c=='\n' || c=='\r'){ // increment line counter counter++; // read entry // ignore empty lines if(pos>0){ ret=sscanf(line, "%d %d %le %le", &kx, &ky, &r, &i); // errors if(ret!=4){ fprintf(stderr, "warning: line %d does not match the input format: '%s', skipping\n", counter, line); } else{ if(kx>K1 || kx<-K1 || ky>K2 || ky<-K2){ fprintf(stderr, "warning: reading line %d: kx or ky out of bounds: %d,%d, skipping\n", counter, kx, ky); } else if (kx<0){ fprintf(stderr, "warning: reading line %d: kx should be >=0, got %d, skipping\n", counter, kx); } else if (kx==0 && ky<=0){ fprintf(stderr, "warning: reading line %d: if kx==0 then ky should be >0, got kx=%d ky=%d, skipping\n", counter, kx, ky); } else{ // set output out[klookup_sym(kx, ky, K2)]=r+i*I; } } } // reset buffer pos=0; line[pos]='\0'; commented=false; } // comment: stop reading else if (c=='#'){ commented=true; } // add to buffer (unless we are in a comment) else if (!(commented)){ // check that there is room in buffer if(pos==len){ // too short: reallocate line_realloc=calloc(sizeof(char), 2*len); for(pos=0;pos