# solve Navier-Stokes function navier_stokes_uk( nsteps::Int64, nu::Float64, g::Function, N1::Int64, N2::Int64, K1::Int64, K2::Int64, delta::Float64, print_freq::Int64 ) # init u=ns_init(K1,K2) for i in 1:nsteps u=ns_RK4(u,nu,g,N1,N2,K1,K2,delta) if i % print_freq==0 @printf("% .15e ",delta*i) print_u(u,N1,N2,K1,K2) # print to stderr @printf(stderr,"% .8e ",delta*i) for k1 in -K1:K1 for k2 in -K2:K2 index=indices_from_momentum(k1,2*K1+1)*(2*K2+1)+indices_from_momentum(k2,2*K2+1)+1 if (k1^2+k2^2<=1) @printf(stderr,"% .8e % .8e ",real(u[index]),imag(u[index])) end end end @printf(stderr,"\n") end end end # compute the enstrophy function navier_stokes_alpha( nsteps::Int64, nu::Float64, g::Function, N1::Int64, N2::Int64, K1::Int64, K2::Int64, delta::Float64, print_freq::Int64 ) # init u=ns_init(K1,K2) for i in 1:nsteps u=ns_RK4(u,nu,g,N1,N2,K1,K2,delta) if i % print_freq==0 alpha=ns_alpha(u,g,K1,K2) @printf("% .15e % .15e % .15e\n",i*delta,real(alpha),imag(alpha)) @printf(stderr,"% .15e % .15e % .15e\n",i*delta,real(alpha),imag(alpha)) end end end # initialize u function ns_init( K1::Int64, K2::Int64 ) u=zeros(Complex{Float64},(2*K1+1)*(2*K2+1)) for k1 in -K1:K1 for k2 in -K2:K2 index=indices_from_momentum(k1,2*K1+1)*(2*K2+1)+indices_from_momentum(k2,2*K2+1)+1 u[index]=exp(-sqrt(k1^2+k2^2)) end end return u end # Navier-Stokes equation (right side) function ns_rhs( u::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, nu::Float64, g::Function, N1::Int64, N2::Int64, K1::Int64, K2::Int64 ) # compute the T term out=ns_T(u,N1,N2,K1,K2) # add the rest of the terms for k1 in -K1:K1 for k2 in -K2:K2 index=indices_from_momentum(k1,2*K1+1)*(2*K2+1)+indices_from_momentum(k2,2*K2+1)+1 out[index]=-(4*pi^2*nu*(k1^2+k2^2))*u[index]+g(k1,k2)+(k1^2+k2^2>0 ? 4*pi^2/sqrt(k1^2+k2^2)*out[index] : 0) end end return out end # compute k\in K from n\in N function momentum_from_indices( i::Int64, K::Int64, N::Int64, ) if i<=K k=i elseif i>=N-K k=i-N else k=i end return(k) end # inverse function indices_from_momentum( k::Int64, N::Int64 ) if k>=0 return k else return N+k end end # T term in Navier-Stokes function ns_T( u::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, N1::Int64, N2::Int64, K1::Int64, K2::Int64 ) Fx1=zeros(Complex{Float64},N1,N2) Fy1=zeros(Complex{Float64},N1,N2) Fx2=zeros(Complex{Float64},N1,N2) Fy2=zeros(Complex{Float64},N1,N2) for k1 in -K1:K1 for k2 in -K2:K2 i1=indices_from_momentum(k1,N1)+1 i2=indices_from_momentum(k2,N2)+1 index=indices_from_momentum(k1,2*K1+1)*(2*K2+1)+indices_from_momentum(k2,2*K2+1)+1 # no need to divide by N: ifft does the division already Fx1[i1,i2]=(k1==0 ? 0. : k1/sqrt(k1^2+k2^2)*u[index]) Fx2[i1,i2]=(k1==0 ? 0. : k1*sqrt(k1^2+k2^2)*u[index]) Fy1[i1,i2]=(k2==0 ? 0. : k2/sqrt(k1^2+k2^2)*u[index]) Fy2[i1,i2]=(k2==0 ? 0. : k2*sqrt(k1^2+k2^2)*u[index]) end end fft!(Fx1) fft!(Fx2) fft!(Fy1) fft!(Fy2) Fx1=Fx1.*Fy2.-Fx2.*Fy1 ifft!(Fx1) out=zeros(Complex{Float64},(2*K1+1)*(2*K2+1)) for k1 in -K1:K1 for k2 in -K2:K2 i1=indices_from_momentum(k1,N1)+1 i2=indices_from_momentum(k2,N2)+1 index=indices_from_momentum(k1,2*K1+1)*(2*K2+1)+indices_from_momentum(k2,2*K2+1)+1 out[index]=Fx1[i1,i2] end end return out end # Runge-Kutta step to solve Navier-Stokes function ns_RK4( u::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, nu::Float64, g::Function, N1::Int64, N2::Int64, K1::Int64, K2::Int64, delta::Float64 ) k1=delta*ns_rhs(u,nu,g,N1,N2,K1,K2) k2=delta*ns_rhs(u.+(k1./2),nu,g,N1,N2,K1,K2) k3=delta*ns_rhs(u.+(k2./2),nu,g,N1,N2,K1,K2) k4=delta*ns_rhs(u.+k3,nu,g,N1,N2,K1,K2) return u.+(k1+2 .*k2+2 .*k3.+k4)./6 end # enstrophy function ns_alpha( u::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, g::Function, K1::Int64, K2::Int64 ) denom=0. *1im num=0. *1im for k1 in -K1:K1 for k2 in -K2:K2 index=indices_from_momentum(k1,2*K1+1)*(2*K2+1)+indices_from_momentum(k2,2*K2+1)+1 denom+=(k1^2+k2^2)^2*u[index]*conj(u[index])*(1. +(k2!=0 ? k1^2/k2^2 : 0.)) num+=(k1^2+k2^2)*u[index]*conj(g(k1,k2))*(1. +(k2!=0 ? k1^2/k2^2 : 0.)) end end return num/denom end