/* Copyright 2015-2022 Ian Jauslin Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* Parse the input file */ #ifndef PARSE_FILE_H #define PARSE_FILE_H #include "types.h" // read a positive integer from a string int read_positive_int(char* str, int* out); // read an integer from a string int read_int(char* str, int* out); // read an long int from a string int read_long_int(char* str, long int* out); // read a long double int read_long_double(char* str, long double* out); // parse fields list int parse_input_fields(Char_Array str_fields, Fields_Table* fields); // parse virtual_fields list int parse_input_virtual_fields(Char_Array str_virtual_fields, Fields_Table* fields, Variables variables); // parse groups of independent fields int parse_input_groups(Char_Array str_groups, Groups* groups, Polynomial_Matrix propagator, Fields_Table fields); // check that the members of groups are independent (assuming the virtual_fields and propagator were already parsed) int check_groups(Groups groups, Polynomial_Matrix propagator, Fields_Table fields); // list of fields involved in a list of virtual_fields int fields_in_virtual_field_list(Int_Array indices, Fields_Table fields, Int_Array* output); // parse variables list int parse_input_variables(Char_Array str_variables, Variables* variables); // parse identities between fields int parse_input_identities(Char_Array str_identities, Fields_Table* fields, Variables variables); // parse propagator int parse_input_propagator(Char_Array str_propagator, Polynomial_Matrix* propagator, Fields_Table fields); // parse input polynomial int parse_input_polynomial(Char_Array str_polynomial, Polynomial* output, Fields_Table fields, Variables variables); // parse id table int parse_input_id_table(Char_Array str_idtable, Id_Table* idtable, Fields_Table fields, Variables variables); // parse a list of labels int parse_labels(Char_Array str_labels, Labels* labels); // read initial condition for numerical computation (using either RCC or RCC_mpfr, as specified by mpfr_flag) int parse_init_cd(Char_Array init_cd, RCC* init, RCC_mpfr* init_mpfr, int mpfr_flag); // set indices and length of init int prepare_init(int* indices, int length, RCC* init); // set indices and length of init for RCC_mpfr int prepare_init_mpfr(int* indices, int length, RCC_mpfr* init); #endif