#!/usr/bin/env python ## Copyright 2015 Ian Jauslin ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ########################################################################## ## ## ## convert flow equations to various formats ## ## ## ########################################################################## import sys import re def print_usage(): print("\nusage:",file=sys.stderr) print(" export_flow_equation [-i infile] [options]",file=sys.stderr) print("\nwhere [options] is one of",file=sys.stderr) print(" C [-l oldl_symbol] [-L newl_symbol] [-C Constant_symbol] [-S]",file=sys.stderr) print(" javascript [-l oldl_symbol] [-L newl_symbol] [-C Constant_symbol]",file=sys.stderr) print(" LaTeX [-l oldl_symbol] [-L newl_symbol] [-C Constant_symbol] [-s]",file=sys.stderr) print("",file=sys.stderr) # to C def C_engine(argv,text): argc=len(argv) i=1 # defaults lsym="l" Lsym="newL" Csym="C" oneline=0 while (i=argc-1): print("error: '"+argv[i]+"' must be followed by a string",file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) # symbol for l if (argv[i]=="-l"): lsym=argv[i+1] i=i+2 # symbol for new l elif (argv[i]=="-L"): Lsym=argv[i+1] i=i+2 # symbol for C elif (argv[i]=="-C"): Csym=argv[i+1] i=i+2 # write each equation on a single line elif (argv[i]=="-S"): oneline=1 i=i+1 return(convert_C(text,lsym,Lsym,Csym,oneline)) # to LaTeX def latex_engine(argv,text): argc=len(argv) i=1 # defaults lsym="\\ell" Lsym="\\ell'" Csym="C" oneline=1 while (i=argc-1): print("error: '"+argv[i]+"' must be followed by a string",file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) # symbol for l if (argv[i]=="-l"): lsym=argv[i+1] i=i+2 # symbol for new l elif (argv[i]=="-L"): Lsym=argv[i+1] i=i+2 # symbol for C elif (argv[i]=="-C"): Csym=argv[i+1] i=i+2 # break lines in equation elif (argv[i]=="-s"): oneline=0 i=i+1 return(convert_latex(text,lsym,Lsym,Csym,oneline)) # convert to C format def convert_C(text, lsym, Lsym, Csym, oneline): # make sure quotients are floats text=re.sub(r'([0-9])/',r'\1./',text) # remove newlines if (oneline==0): text=text.replace('\n','\\\n') # end of lines text=text.replace(',\\',';') else: text=text.replace('\n','') # end of lines text=text.replace(',',';\n') # remove extra space text=re.sub(r' {2,}',' ',text) # replace left hand side variables text=re.sub(r'\[(d*)C *([0-9]*)\] =',r'\1'+Csym+r'\2 =', text) text=re.sub(r'\[(d*)% *([0-9]*)\] =',r'\1'+Lsym+r'[\2] =', text) # replace right hand side variables text=re.sub(r'\[(d*)% *([0-9]*)\]',r'*\1'+lsym+r'[\2]',text) text=re.sub(r'\[(d*)C *([0-9]*)\]',r'*\1'+Csym+r'[\2]',text) # replace constants in right hand side (and expand powers as products) match=re.search(r'\[/C([0-9]*)\^([0-9]*)\]',text) while(match): power=int(match.group(2)) # product of constants prod='' for i in range(power): prod=prod+'/'+Csym+match.group(1) text=text.replace('[/C'+match.group(1)+'^'+match.group(2)+']',prod) match=re.search(r'\[/C([0-9]*)\^([0-9]*)\]',text) # replace square roots text=re.sub(r's\{([0-9]*)\}',r'sqrt(\1)',text) text=text.replace(')sqrt',')*sqrt') # re-number variables in a sequential fashion variables=[] for match in re.finditer(r'\[([0-9]*)\]',text): index=int(match.group(1)) if index not in variables: variables.append(index) variables.sort() for index in range(len(variables)): text=text.replace('['+str(variables[index])+']','[new'+str(index)+']') text=text.replace('[new','[') return(text+';') # convert to LaTeX format def convert_latex(text, lsym, Lsym, Csym, oneline): # remove newlines if (oneline==0): text=text.replace('\n','\\\\\n') else: # end of lines text=text.replace(',',',\\\\') # remove extra space text=re.sub(r' {2,}',' ',text) # replace left hand side variables text=re.sub(r'\[(d*)C *([0-9]*)\] =',r'@\1'+Csym+r'_{\2} =', text) text=re.sub(r'\[(d*)% *([0-9]*)\] =',r'@\1'+Lsym+r'_{\2} =', text) # replace right hand side variables text=re.sub(r'\[(d*)% *([0-9]*)\]',r'@\1'+lsym+r'_{\2}',text) text=re.sub(r'\[(d*)C *([0-9]*)\]',r'@\1'+Csym+r'_{\2}',text) # rewrite derivatives # find the highest order of derivatives i=0 dstr="d" index=0 while (index>=0): index=text.find(r'@'+dstr,index) i=i+1 dstr=dstr+"d" #replace derivatives for j in range(i): # number of derivs nrd=i-1-j dstr="" for k in range(nrd): dstr=dstr+"d" if (nrd>1): text=text.replace(r'@'+dstr,"\\partial^{"+str(nrd)+"}") elif (nrd==1): text=text.replace(r'@'+dstr,"\\partial ") else: text=text.replace(r'@'+dstr,"") # replace constants in right hand side text=re.sub(r'\[/C([0-9]*)\^([0-9]*)\]',r'\\frac1{'+Csym+r'_{\1}^{\2}}',text) # remove "^{1}" text=text.replace("^{1}","") # replace square roots text=text.replace('s{','\\sqrt{') # fractions text=re.sub(r'\((-?)([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)\)',r'\1\\frac{\2}{\3}',text) # numbers text=re.sub(r'\(([-0-9]*)\)',r'\1',text) return(text) # read arguments argc=len(sys.argv) if (argc<=1): print_usage() exit(-1) i=1 infile="" while i