.Dd $Mdocdate: May 2 2017 $ .Dt BBLOG-sqlite .Os .Sh DESCRIPTION BBlog sqlite engine. .Pp This engine reads sqlite3 databases and generates bibliographies using .Sx BBlog Ns (1) . .Pp The database must contain a table named 'bibliography' with (at least) the following columns: .Bl -tag -width Ds -offset Ds .It title title of the item .It author author(s) .It journal journal information, including its name, volume, number and page, or if the item is a book, editor information .It year publication year .It doi DOI number .It arxiv arXiv number .It token symbol printed in the document by the LaTeX '\\cite' command .It citeref label of the reference .It prauth bibliography entries are ordered alphabetically with respect to this entry label of the reference .El .Sh AUTHORS The sqlite BBlog engine was written by Ian Jauslin. .Sh COPYRIGHT copyright Ian Jauslin 2015-2017 .Sh SEE ALSO .Sx BBlog Ns (1) , .Sx sqlite3 Ns (1)