set ylabel "$\\frac jk$" norotate set xlabel "$\\frac{t\\omega}{2\\pi}$" set xtics 0,0.00025 set ytics -0.025,0.005 set yrange [-0.025:0.005] # default output canvas size: 12.5cm x 8.75cm set term lua tikz size 8,6 standalone # no key set key off # set linestyle set style line 1 linetype rgbcolor "#4169E1" linewidth 3 set style line 2 linetype rgbcolor "#DC143C" linewidth 3 set style line 3 linetype rgbcolor "#32CD32" linewidth 3 set style line 4 linetype rgbcolor "#4B0082" linewidth 3 set style line 5 linetype rgbcolor "#DAA520" linewidth 3 set pointsize 0.6 plot "mc_short.dat" using 1:5 with lines linestyle 1, \ "cn_short.dat" using 1:3 with lines linestyle 2